233. Mini's introspection

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Taking Mini out of the dark lane to the car, she didn't said a word nor did she opened her eyes before sitting in the car. She just weakly leaned on me and relaxed herself. Maybe she has got much weak but I am feeling contented as atleast she could bring her courage out again and felt her strength which could fuel her recovery now.

Sitting on the driver's seat, I looked at her when I held the gear handle and she kept her hand on mine.

"Hmm?" I hummed to let her speak. But her question confused me, "Neil.... I need some time... Can we go to the cliff again?" "Sure." I agreed in no time as I felt it was necessary too.

I drove till the cliff which was almost 20 mins away from the police station. 

Mini had again closed her eyes and her hands were clutched on her shrug, holding it on tightly in her fists. I wonder what's going on in her mind. I hope it's positive. As much as I can sense there is something she is emotionally holding on too because that's only when she finds it necessary to physically clutch on something nearby.

While driving I saw Mini's face getting a little pale with the lack of energy getting over her. I stopped the car and tugged the basket again which I had always carried with me while taking Mini anywhere so that she doesn't loose energy and faint like she had did when she wasn't eating well. Taking out the shaker containing the smoothie which I prepared for her before leaving, I passed it to her.

"Banana and crushed nuts smoothie.... You are not looking fine... Drink it a little at least."

Mini nodded looking at me. Her fingers were fidgeting on the shaker as I drove slowly to let her drink comfortably with closed eyes. She finished it fully and I felt a little better seeing her pale face getting the energy back.

Reaching the cliff, I stopped the car. She opened her eyes slowly till then I had got out and opened the door for her.

She came out of the car and walked to the cliff. Sitting near the edge she wrapped her arms around her knees and raised her chin to look at the sky.

I stood near the car only, letting her feel her space and spend some time alone.

She hadn't said a word after Ritwick went unconscious except the request to bring her here. I genuinely hope my step turns out to be correct. Don't know why but at the police station, I was confident about my decision but now I am getting doubtful seeing her like that.

Mini pls say something. Pls speak out your feelings. Pls tell me whether what I did was right or not. Pls tell me whether it soothed you till that extent which I felt you to be or not. Pls say something.

She straightened her legs and folding her arms, rubbed her upper arms slowly. I could hear her sigh. Is she fine?

Almost half a min later, she unfolded her arms and keeping her hands behind her, leaned back her head lightly. I hope she's relaxed.

Suddenly I heard a chuckle, getting confused as it was Mini's chuckle, I stepped a little closer to her.

Soon the chuckle turned into a laughter and I was standing beside her. I could see her eyes closed and her laughing wholeheartedly.

My heart flutters seeing her laughing but somewhere in the bottom of my heart, her laughter had scared me too. I hope her mental condition is fine. I hope she's not affected negatively. When did I become so negative? In her laughter too, why ain't I searching happiness but stress? Is this because I don't know the reason behind her laughter.

I hope it is not a stupor.

After laughing wholeheartedly, she opened her eyes. With a wide smile on her face, she stood up and tied her braid in a bun, up on her head.

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