tripped.1 (lsrf)

752 13 3

You were working on...well, paperwork (very poetic, I know), when suddenly, your phone rang. You picked it up.
"Helloooo?" You said

"Y-Y/n...I fucked up..."

"...Do you want me to come to your office, or- wherever you are-"

"yeah, please uh, come to my office..."

You rushed to his office, and slowly opened the door.
"...Boss?" You called out.

He raised his face from his hands to reveal pure pink spectra dripping from his mouth. His arms were covered in it too. He looked awful.

"Y/n, I- I'm sorry..." He whispered.

"Why are you sorry? What even happened?" You asked.

"I tripped. I tripped into the spectra, I-"

"Hey, hey, it's ok, I-I'm sure we can find an antidote."

Walden wanted to remain like this, though. He loved you, so, so much but he couldn't properly express it until now. The spectra made him want to pour every last bit of affection he had onto you. And that's exactly what he was going to do.

"I actually wanted to stay in this state..."

You walked towards him.
"Why though?"

He sat up from his desk and walked up to you. He took your hands and his and leaned closer to your face.

"Because I can finally do shit like this~"

Before you could even process what was going on, he kissed you. He kissed you deeply. You were stunned. He parted his lips from yours after a good 30 seconds.

"Boss, I-"


THE END ‼️‼️ ILL MAKE A PT. 2 IF YALL WANT. IDK IF THIS WILL EVEN GET ATTENTION LIKE AS OF WRITING THIS 3 PPL HAVE SEEN THE RULEZ AND THATS IT. Uhhh so to those 3 silly gooses, do you want a pt 2 cuz I'll make it-

wally oneshotz/drabblez!!!Where stories live. Discover now