lavender.cheesecake (wallis[ena.wally])

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You strolled in to Wallis's botanical garden, looking for the guy himself. You had a gift to give him, you were holding it behind your back. And there he was! Hunched over a small flower, tending to it with care.
Or at least, that's what you thought...

You tapped his back, saying, "Boo!"

He quickly turned around,
"A-Ah, my stunning flower! I didn't expect you!"

"Yeah...I brought you something!"

You pulled the plate of lavender cheesecake (yes it's Wallis's favorite food it's CANON) you made just for him from behind you.

"Oh my petals, Y/n!!! Did you make this yourself?"


He kissed your cheek, causing your face to flush a little.

"Well, I'll have to have a slice now! You simply must join me, you made the delightful dish anyway!"

"I don't see why not."

Wallis had one of those silly lil swirly metal tables in his garden (like one of those mfs↓),

Wallis had one of those silly lil swirly metal tables in his garden (like one of those mfs↓),

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which the two of you sat and ate at.
(Sadly, there were no crumbs on his face this time.)

Once you both were finished, you got up to leave, not wanting to bother him any longer, although your presence did quite the opposite.

"Oh my, I really must leave you to your gardening, Wallis. I shall visit again tomorrow, I'm sure of it."

He looked disappointed as he said whilst picking a dark red carnation*,
"Oh...Well, I'll see you soon, my dearest flower."

He then slipped the carnation past your ear, letting it rest there.
"Don't you just look superb..." He whispered, mostly to himself, before giving you a quick kiss on the lips.

"Until next time, Y/n!"

"Buh-bye!" You replied, blushing madly.

*That color does have a meaning, so look it up if you please.

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