bouquet.1 (wallis)

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"Hellooo, my dear neighbor!" Wallis said cheerfully, grabbing you from behind and spinning you around.
"BAAAGH! Wallis!" You shouted. you felt something graze your chin, but you couldn't quite see what it was.

"I'm sorry for startling you, my orchid, I just wanted to give you this!" He put you down, and turned you around.
He handed you a bouquet of flowers that consisted of hydrangeas, bluebells, roses, tulips, xeranthemums, camellias, forget-me-nots, and an ulex.*

"W-Wallis, did you grow these? For me?" You asked, taking them.

"Of course I did! Why are you so surprised? You know I'm a gardener!"

"I-I do, its just...I wouldn't expect someone to put so much dedication into something for me."

He placed his hands on your face, pulling you in for a kiss. You responded by placing one of yours on his forearm, the other hand holding the bouquet.

"You really don't see how amazing you truly are, Y/n. It bothers me so much." He whispered when you both pulled back for air, caressing your face.
"You deserve a lot more than this, you know."

"Oh, please-"

"I'm being honest though, my beautiful flower."

A/N ill probably extend this at some point soon i just had like writers block hit me like a truck but not like one of those big cargo trucks you see on highways but more like the lil ones that your hicky grandparents own, so ill get my spark back soon dwdw 🤞🤞🤞 anyway byeee ‼️‼️🙌

*all of the flowers mentioned in this chapter have meanings, which are listed here ↓ These may or may not also appear in other chapters as well. 😋😋


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