winter.1 (swarm)

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A lost hiker. That's what you were currently. Lost in the woods, during the winter.

That's how it's been for the past day. You were fucking frigid. Ice was forming on your fingertips. And your hair. And your eyelashes. Your teeth was chattering and your entire body was shivering. Your skin was turning an entirely different color.

You were cold.

While wandering around, searching for any sign of life or where you started, ypu slipped on snow and fell.
At this point you were ready to give up.
Death's arms would surely be warmer.
You closed your eyes, ready to just let life go, but then you heard snow crunching. It stopped right around your shoulders.
You felt something touch your face. It was a hand.
It kept it there for a few seconds before a voice was finally heard.


You open your eyes slightly, seeing a man on his knees. He somehow was completely fine with just a faded blue sweater and striped pants. Well, and an ascot.

"Why, good day to you, dear" he said. "You're not dead. Good, good."

He pulls you up a bit so your head was in his lap. He studied your face for a bit.

"Oh, that doesn't look too great, does it?"

He says, caressing your face.

You could only let out soft, slow breaths, too cold to speak.

He picked you up, walking away from where you had laid.

He walks further into the woods.

"You might as well get some rest, dear."

You did as he said, quickly falling asleep.


You woke up in a cottage, on a couch, covered by a wool blanket. You sat up, only to have the man who saved you rush over, telling you to lay back down.

"Nonono, back down you go."
He placed his hands on your shoulders, slowly forcing you to lean back on the couch.

You let it happen, looking up at him with exhausted eyes.

"You seem so tired..."

You nodded, not really wanting to speak.

He slid his hand down to your arm, stroking it.

"I think you should go back to sleep then, dear."

You closed your eyes again, drifting off into a deep sleep.

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