tripped.3 (lsrf)

555 10 12

Somehow, some way, you escaped Walden's grasp. Well, you slipped away, and ran all the way to the infirmary to tell someone what happened. They immediately caught him and brought him back, strapped down, in an attempt of keeping him under control. No one knew how powerful the Spectra was, but everyone knew the shit can be strong. And if he tripped into it, he's probably gonna lose it soon.

Walden had been working more than usual, so you didn't have a ton of extra work to do. So, things in the factory continued as usual.

But one day, when an experiment was going on, and you were taking notes on it, you felt something wrap around your waist. You heard something. Purring. You heard and felt purring, against your back. It caused a frisson throughout your entire body, causing your pen to strike across the page. You turned around, frustrated, to see your boss.

"Sir, what on earth are you doing here?!"

"Don't worry about that...~" He said, tightening his grip.

"M-Mr. Darling, you're supposed to be back at the infirmary!"

"I don't know what you're talking about~" Walden lied. He obviously knew.

You sighed, getting up and telling those who were performing the experiment to continue, but have someone else take notes. You wanted to get him back into the infirmary. He had other plans.

He scooped you up into his arms, carrying you out of the room.

"Mr. Darling! Put me down this instant, I-I have work to do! You need to be back at the infirmary!"

"No I don't, I need to be with you."

You were too dumbstruck to speak. You just stayed completely silent as he carried you to who knows where.

Eventually, security caught him and brought him back to the infirmary. You found out he broke from his restrictions and knocked out those watching him.

They put extra security on him this time. They also rushed with the antidote. After another 3 days, he walked out of the infirmary, cured.

You were at your office, doing paperwork. He knocked.

"Come in."

Walden opened the door and walked in. You looked up, happy he was cured.

"Feeling better?" You asked, smiling.


It was awkward silence, until you spoke up. You wanted to address the elephant in the room.

"D...did you mean everything you said?"



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