ffourhnemakd.kuisjess (rf)

483 8 20

On the balcony you were, watching person after person being thrown into the grinder. You leaned on the railing, thinking. All of those people had lives. They had families. Friends. Maybe even children. But all of those lives were being blended up into a colorful pot of stew, and you couldn't do anything about it.
You didn't notice, but tears were rolling down your face as you stared blankly at that sickening machine.

"Y/n, what are you doing...?"

"Huh? Oh! Apologies, sir! I'll uh- I'll be on my way..."

You faced him, wondering why he looked so dismal. Well, at least more than usual (because he's a pathetic little loser).
He nodded, not saying anything. You walked back to your office just to realize that you were crying.

So unprofessional.

you wiped your tears off with your lab coat before sitting back down in your chair, not prepared for another 4 hours of work.

3 hours and 30 minutes later. Almost done. Just another half hour. The wait was long, though. You couldn't stop thinking about those god damned, innocent people. All dead. Brutally murdered. For what? The greater good (/ref)?

Another 15 minutes passed by.

Then another 5.

And another 5.

You couldn't focus on work. Your mind always wandered to the grinder. This is, what? The 23rd time a day like this has happened within the past month? You were growing soft. One can't have that happen, not in the factory. Tears were flowing down your face again. You took the last 3 minutes before you clocked out to clean yourself up a little.
Abruptly, you got a phone call. On your work phone. It was from Walden.
"Hey, did you need anything? I was just about to clock out-"

"Y/n, I need you to come to my office."

Which is exactly what you did.


"Is everything ok?" Your boss asked.

"Yeah, of course! Why do you ask?" You questioned, pretending like you totally were not crying 4 hours ago.

"You were crying earlier."

"Oh, I mean, it was nothing! I'll b-"

"It's not nothing if you were crying about it."

You sighed. Knowing him, he wouldn't back down until you gave up. So you told him. You told him everything. You said you've been thinking about quitting because you thought you wouldn't be a good employee if you were to stray away from work like this.

"Y/n. You are the greatest worker that I have ever had. I wouldn't trade you for the world. We can compromise. I can make sure that you don't witness anything. I just can't lose you."

You were taken aback by this, thinking your boss didn't really care about you all that much. Yet here he was, begging you not to leave.

"I-... I'll stay."

He pulls you to his t̶i̶t̶s̶ chest, embracing you. You hugged him back, not knowing what else to do.

His lips met your forehead. It was a moment, to say the least. He moved his head, giving you another. And another. And it went on like that for a few minutes. By the end of it, he'd pretty much kissed every part of your forehead. You were in awe.

"You are dismissed, my Y/n."

"H-have a good day, sir." you whispered before walking out, completely flushed.


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