what.a.wreck.1 (rf)(comfort.angst)

557 9 31

You were in your office, doing the usual (paperwork). All was as well as work can get, until you heard yelling. From Walden's office. You immediately ran to his door, worried for his safety.
Busting down the door, not caring to knock, you see his office. Your eyes wander all over the room. His desk had cracks and chunks taken out of it. There was a fresh coffee stain on his floors. His monitors were on the floor, wrecked. His walls had dents in them. Ruined, nearly destroyed, books and papers were spread across the floor. It was a complete mess. Your eyes shift to Walden, who rested his head on the remains of his desk, his arms sprawled out. His hair was down, and it looked so tangled and messy (you probably have an idea of what's gonna go down)

"B-...boss...what happened...?! Did you...did you have another tantrum...?"

This was becoming a reoccurring thing. You guess the recent divorce he had with his wife finally sunk in at some point a few months ago, and he's been completely demolishing his office since. But never this bad.

He couldn't do anything but let out a sob. He was crying.

The heartless man himself was crying. Sobbing, even.

You walked closer to him. Close enough to see over the desk. You saw little pieces of his coffee mug, but not enough to make the whole thing. You took a better look at his hands and arms. Bits and pieces of the mug were buried in them.

"Holy shit Mr. Darling...holy shit..." You muttered.

You walked over to him, grabbing a first aid kit that was on the floor. You admired how he always kept one around.

You pulled him away from his desk so he'd have all his weight on his chair. His palm faces the ceiling as it laid on the arm. The other one was draped over the other arm of the chair, completely still. He was completely emotionless at this point. The tears were no longer pouring from his eyes.

You turned the hand draped over the arm of the chair. There were fresh scars along with the pieces of fine china that dug into his skin. You sighed, upset. Not at him, though.

You kneeled down. You started by pulling each bit out. He flinched a few times.

"I'm sorry walden..." You whispered.
He turned his head to face you. He said nothing. You saw the look in his eyes. He was broken. Completely broken

You finished taking the pieces out. You then cleaned where they were, along with the scars, to make sure they wouldn't get infected. You did the same with the other arm.

When you were finally finished, you took his hands in yours, caressing his fingers with your thumbs.

You looked up at him. He didn't reciprocate. He was too ashamed. Ashamed of the scars. Ashamed of his office. He felt bad for you. He felt as if you shouldn't have done that.

You had one of those pocket brushes on you. You pulled it out of your lab coat. You rose from you position, and moved behind him. You took a lock of his hair and started to brush it. He let it happen. He sighed, starting to relax a little.

When you were done brushing his hair, you moved back to the position you were in before.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

he shook his head, tearing up.

"Do you want a hug?"

Without words, he put his arms over you. You did the same to him, and started to rub his back in attempt to comfort him.

"I'm sorry, y/n." He choked out, barely even whispering. "I'm sorry."

"It's ok. It's ok. There's nothing to be sorry about."

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