picnic (ena)

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"Ohhh my petals!!" Wally whispered to himself. You and him were to meet up to have a picnic in the Shepard's hourglass. But he was late. He was running, sprinting, even. He really did have a disliking for not being on time. Especially when it had something to do with you.

You were waiting on a low poly picnic blanket in the hourglass, watching the dogs frolick around, completely unaware that Wally was, it fact, late.

Suddenly, the man came rushing in.

"Y/N!" He called out to you before taking a moment to catch his breath.

"Oh, Wally! It's great to be in your presence again!"

"My apologies for being so late, dear."

"You're late? Why, I actually started to think that I arrived early!"

He chuckled a little at this. He adored you with every bit of his heart and soul.
He walked up to the blanket, sitting down next to you.

"You look lovely today."

You blushed a little.
"I- Thank you, Wally."

"You're welcome, Y/n."

The two of you started to eat some turróns a certain friend (totally not ENA herself) prepared for you out of pure kindness (and perhaps the fact she shipped you and him).

You saw that Wally had some crumbs on his face. Being the silly guy you are, you decided to simply peck the crumbs off of his face. You started at his chin, working up to his left cheek and ending at his right. The entire time, he stared in awe. When you pulled away from his cheek, you kissed his lips, caressing his face.
Wally wasn't used this level of intimacy, so he was really quite astounded by your actions.

"Y/n, my sweet flower, I-"

You smiled at him. He was adorable, really.

That deed caused him kiss you this time.
When you parted, he whispered,

"I want you know that you're the most precious thing to me. My beloved Y/n, I would do anything for you. You have me wrapped around your finger."

It was your turn to stare in awe. All you could do was blink.

"D...Did I mess up? Did I overstep? I'm so-"

"Wally, you did not mess up. I-I just don't know what to say..."

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