in.shambles (rf)

657 7 9

(The image above that I MADE is what this chapter is based off of 🤩🤩 (describes me perfectly ‼️‼️‼️) )

There you stood, in front of your door. He was on his knees, begging for forgiveness.

"Listen, please, y/n, I am so, so sorry I-"

"Oh, Walden, dear, please, don't even try"

"But I-I really am-"

"That is what you've said before, yes?"

"Yes, b-but I mean it this time, I swear!"

"You have broken my trust time and time again, at this point, what good are you to me?"

"P-please Y/n, I will do anything-"

"Anything, you say?"

You somewhat hid the fact that you were truly loving this. Seeing a man who seems so cold-hearted, even evil, some might say, so desperate for you and your mercy quite simply delighted you. You didn't really know what you wanted him to, though. (NOTHING SEXUAL, OFC. BOUNDARIES ARE COOL. BOUNDARIES ARE COOL. BOUNDARIES ARE COOL.)

"Yes, anything." Walden said.

"I want you tooooo....."
You thought for a good minute. Then an idea popped up in your head.

"Come closer, Walden."

He got up from his knees and slowly plodded up to you.

You then, undid his pompadour.

"H-Hey-!" He started to shout, but you cut him off.

"You said anything, dear"

He went quiet, just fully realizing what he signed up for.

You dragged him inside your dorm, and in front of your couch. You positioned him to be facing away from it, though.

"Knees. Now." You demanded

He got on his knees. You sat on the couch, right behind him.
You took your brush that you left on the lamp-table-thing and started brushing his hair. He let out a relieved sigh. He loved this, but he tried to hide it. Which failed.

"Doesn't this feel nice, Walden?" You asked.

"I- uhm- I mean-"

"Say it."

He nodded.

"I said, say it."


"Yes, what?" You inquired.

Walden was silent for a few seconds until he finally stammered out again, "Y-yes, i-it does..."

"What does?"

He let out a gulp.
"Y-you, uh, brushing my hair..."

"And how does it feel?" You questioned.


"Now put it all together. Doesn't this feel nice, dear?"

He went silent again.
"Y-yes, you...brushing my hair...feels nice..."


After you finished brushing his hair, you braided it. You were very slow with it, making sure this man would suffer in pure embarrassment for as long as possible.

Calmly placing each chunk of hair onto the other, you started humming. You remembered this one time, last year, you were doing so, and Walden himself walked in your office. You didn't notice though, so you kept humming.

"You have a lovely singing voice." He said.
You smiled.
"Thank you."

Snapping back into reality, you realized you messed up his braid.

"I'm sorry, dear," you lied, "but it seems as if I have messed up a little. Looks like I'll have to start over."

He sighed.

You restarted the braid, smiling and humming. You knew he loved all of this. The comfort in you caring for him, your truly serene singing voice. He was trying his hardest to hide it, but it wasn't going well for him.

After 6 entire minutes, you finally finished braiding Walden's hair.

"There. That wasn't so hard to handle, was it, dear?" You asked, moving your hands to his shoulders, rubbing them.



"It was a little difficult..." He muttered

"You're lucky I'm accepting that answer."

You got up and he did the same.

"Do you want to stay overnight?" You asked.

"I mean... I-..."

"I'm waiting..."

"I wouldn't mind."

"That's what I thought."

You two sat down on the couch and watched [insert a show you like] for a bit, before deciding it was time for bed.

You turned to him.
"Do you want to sleep on the couch, or do you want to sleep in my bed, with me?"


"And remember, Walden, dear, we won't do anything but sleep. I promise." (BOUNDARIES ARE E P I C!)

"...ok" he murmured.

You both walked into your room, laying down on the bed.

He layed stiff, above your blankets.

"You can, like, get under the covers, you know." You said.

He said nothing as he pulled the blanket up and lifted it over his torso.
Since you were pretty close to him, you decided to wrap your arm around him, causing him to turn red. Without thinking much, he did the same.

"Goodnight, my dearest Walden."

"G...Goodnight, Y/n..."

You were so glad. Glad that you spent years here in the factory, with this man. Just to manipulate him and take advantage of his parental issues. The start was rocky, and it took forever, but it was all worth it on the end.


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