to.court.1 (rk)

226 4 8

"Ohhh Waallyyyy~!" you called out. He was exiting the castle, finished with his duties. You ran up to him and slammed your face into his B̶I̶G̶ ̶M̶A̶N̶ ̶T̶I̶T̶S̶ chest.

"Golly, Y/n-! Why are you so excited to see me?"

"Well, it's you, silly!"

"What's so great about me?"

"Hmmm, where do I start?" you teased.


"You're really sweet, and kind, and caring, and handsome, and strong, and ohh, your voice-"

"What exactly about my voice?"

"Oh, well, it's soothing..."


"Yes, really...~"

"I guess I ought to talk more, hm~?"

"Yes, I guess..."

You two started to make the long walk to Wally's manor house, him talking his head off most of the way. You were ok with that, though.

At some point during the walk, the topic of relationships came up.

"Are you talking to anyone special?" You asked. You were sort of hoping he wasn't.

"Well, they're certainly special, but I don't think they know that..."

"Ooo, please, do tell!"


"Oh? I mean, I wouldn't really mind you courting me~"

"Is that so~?" he said playfully, slowly getting closer.

"It is so...~"

It was silent for a minute, it was just you two, looking at each other, until he finally spoke up again, "Would you like to stay at my home tonight?"

"Why not?"

hey homos sorry i disappeared for a whole ass month writers block went a lil bonkers there uhh yeah mb we gonna get back into writing tho ALSO im giving my chapters actual fucking titles cuz it's prolly confusing asf for some of yall
anywaysyssse byeywyeyewee

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