stargaze (wallis)

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You were in Wallis's garden, staring at all of the flowers, sort of spacing out.

Suddenly, you felt two hands grab your waist from behind and pull you closer. You leaned into it, knowing who it was.

"Hi, Wallis." You whispered, tilting your head up a tad and placing your hands on his.

"Hello, my sweet azalea." He whispered back, placing his lips on your forehead.
"I was wondering...would you like to go stargazing with me tonight?"

"I would love to."


The two of you ran up the hill, hand in hand. When you finally made it to the top, you spun each other around, finishing it off with falling and landing on the ground. You both sat up, scooting closer to one another. You laid your head on his lap. He pet your hair, looking down at you before looking up at the sky

The stars glistened in the darkness of the night, creating a beautiful scene. You and him peered at them for a long while.
But after some time passed, he looked back down at you, and pulled you up into his lap completely. One hand caressed your back as the other one held your houghs.

"W-Wallis-?" You asked, a light blush spreading on your face.

His lips to met yours, keeping contact for ages before parting.
"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?'

"Yes, you've told me I'm beautiful thousands of times, dear."

"But have I ever told you how beautiful you are?"

"...I don't think so, no..."

He inhaled, then spoke again,
"You are more beautiful than any star in the sky. Any planet, any galaxy, any meteor. And I am not saying this as an opinion, I am stating this as a fact. Never did I think that I would come across something as stunning and astonishing and wonderful as you, but here you are. In my arms. I can barely comprehend it, how I was able to find you, how you somehow fell in love with me. I love you, Y/n, my dear neighbor, my precious flower. I wouldn't trade you for anything. Not a singular thing."

You looked at him in shock, mouth slightly opened. You couldn't believe it. You couldn't get any words out.

"I-I-" you started to stammer.

He chuckled, kissing you again.
"Maybe another time I'll have to tell you how cute you are."


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