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Sidney prescott walked out of her room and she walked down the stairs, lights were turned on and screaming was coming from the tv.

"Run the other way!" The voice of Randy meeks sounded from the living room and carried itself to the hallway. Sidney peaked her head inside of the living room seeing Randy on the couch but no sign of her younger sister.

The door bell rang slightly startling Sidney, "I've got it!" The voice of Cassie prescott rang out before she appeared rushing towards the door in her pajamas.

Sidney walked over as Cassie opened the door, the smile on her face wavered and her shoulders sagged in disappointment.

"You are not the pizza delivery guy." Cassie said, crossing her arms as she stood on her toes to look behind the person in front of her.

"I am highly offended that you are disappointment to see me." Billy loomis said with a small smirk

"I'm only happy when I see the pizza guy. Did you see him on your way here?" Cassie questioned and Billy sighed

"No." Cassie frowned, "he is late. I hope the pizza is okay." Billy eyed her outfit

"That's your pajamas?" Cassie looked down at her pajamas.

(Cassie's pajamas

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(Cassie's pajamas.)

"Yeah. What's wrong with it?" She questioned and Billy shook his head with a small smile.

"Nothing, nothing. Nice bunny slippers," Cassie smiled ,"why thank you. Sid,he's all yours." Cassie turned around and walked further into the house, disappearing from where she came from.

"So, are you happy to see me or are you also wanting on the pizza delivery guy?" Billy questioned and Sidney chuckled ,

"Sorry about Cassie. She and randy are having a movie night and they can't really enjoy it without pizza." Sidney told him

"Randy's here?" Billy questioned, frowning and Sidney nodded her head.

"Yeah. Did you forget the two are best friends or was it horror friends? I don't remember what it was but they have a weird friendship." Sidney told him

"Excuse me," Sidney and billy turned and saw a young teenage boy holding two large boxes of pizza.

"Pizza's here!" Sidney announced and Cassie ran over, almost slipping but managed to catch herself.

"I am so happy to see you!" Cassie said, she pulled out some cash handing the pizza guy the money before taking the pizza.

"Thanks, keep the tip!" She rushed back into the house. "T-..thanks, Cassie!" The pizza guy blushed, smiling.

"Shouldn't you go back to work?" Billy questioned and the pizza guy looked over at him, slightly cowering under Billy's intense glare.

"R-right." The pizza guy left, "you shouldn't have scared him away." Sidney told him and Billy tsk

"Did you see the way he was looking at Cassie? He doesn't even go to our school." Billy replied and Sidney frowned.

"We should get going , we don't want to miss the movie." She said and Billy nodded.

"We're leaving!" Sidney announced ,"okay! Remember be back by midnight!" Cassie said

As Sidney and Billy left the prescott house. Cassie walked into the living room with two soda cans in hand.

She placed them on the table in front of her as she sat on the couch with her legs under her.

"Just in time for the best part." Randy told her before wincing from the burn of the pizza.

"That pizza guy is super hot, ooh, that was a nice kill." Cassie said As she picked off the sausages from her pizza before throwing them in her mouth.

"Brutal kill, did you catch his name? Number?" Randy questioned, grabbing another slice of pizza.

"Well, I know his name is Cole and he doesn't go to our school. I haven't gotten his number yet." Cassie replied and randy looked at her

"You haven't gotten his number yet? What is wrong with you? Do we need to go see a doctor?" Cassie let out a small laugh

"What? No! I just haven't gotten around to ask for his number, yet." She said with a small shrug.

"Well, get his number next time."

Word count - 682

First chapter!
Hope you enjoy!

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