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(Cassie's outfit)

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(Cassie's outfit)

Randy rushed over to Cassie the second she walked into school. "I almost got killed, Cassie."

"Okay, what do I owe you?" She questioned, and Randy grinned.

"A life time of free food." Randy told her ,"deal." Cassie said

"So did everything go well?" Randy asked and Cassie hummed, smiling.

"Of course it did and I didn't have to result to murder, though." Cassie said

"Hey, Cassie." Billy greeted, sending Randy a small glare. "Oh, hey, Billy." Cassie greeted

"You have a second to talk?" Billy questioned and Cassie nodded. "Yeah, I do."

"Come on." Billy said before walking off. Cassie bid a goodbye to Randy before rushing after Billy.

"Whipped." Randy mumbled, chuckling to himself.
- -
"What is it?" Cassie questioned, watching as Billy leaned against his car.

"Stu remembers a few pieces of what happened that night." Billy told her and she looked at him surprised

"He does?" Billy nodded, sighing. "What is it?"

"The car...he remembers the car that hit him." Billy said, "it was my dad's car."

Cassie eyes widened in surprise, "what? Are you saying that your dad hit stu with his car and ran off?"

Billy nodded ,"yeah."

Cassie felt anger coursing through her body. It was getting harder to control her anger these days.

"What are you gonna do about it?" She questioned and he shrugs. Billy already has a plan but he can't tell her.

He was going to kill his father. Cassie was thinking about actually committing murder.

First, Hank sleeps with her mother and then tries to kill stu. He's gonna get what's coming to him. One way or another, either by Billy's or Cassie's hand.

Hank loomis was gonna die.
- -
Stu eyes darted between Cassie and Billy. He feels like the two of them are planning something but neither of them know of their plan.

Stu feels out of the loop. He wanted to know what was going on. He doesn't like to be out of the loop.

He wanted to ask them but he doesn't want them to snap him. Both of them looked ready to explode.

He wondered what pissed them off. He leaned his chin on the palm of his hand. He drummed his fingers against the desk.

He felt something dripping down his nose and he slightly groaned as another nosebleed stared.

He hated nosebleed. He tried to move his hand but he couldn't.

Feeling as something was wrong. Billy and Cassie turned to look at Stu. Stu's body started to violently shake before he fell off his chair and into the floor.

"Stu!" Both Cassie's and Billy's hearts started to beat rapidly in their chest.

"Back up! Give him some room!" The teacher said ,"someone get the nurse!"
- -
Stu had a seizure. He was currently in the hospital to see what caused the seizure.

Billy and Cassie were worried and neither had left stu's side since he had a seizure.

"He's gonna be okay." Cassie told Billy who turned to look at her. He sighed , "yeah. He's gonna be okay."

"He has to."
Word count - 514

Short chapter but hope you enjoy!

The Girl Who Snapped || Scream 1996 || Billy loomis & Stu Macher Where stories live. Discover now