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Cassie had gone back home and took a quick shower before she changed and was getting ready to head to the hospital. As she was heading down the stairs, Sidney rushed into the house, slamming the door behind her.

Concerned, Cassie looked at her sister, who looked like she ran a whole marathon.

"Sid? Are you okay?" Cassie questioned, and Sidney turned to look at her, and that's when Cassie saw the blood on Sidney.

Cassie rushed over, "Are you okay? Who's blood is this?" She questioned

"This... this is all your fault." Sidney told her, and Cassie eyes widened in surprise, "what?"

Her heart stilled as she looked into her sisters eyes. "Sid..what..what did you do?"

"It was the only way to keep you and Billy apart. He broke up with me because of you!" Sidney said, backing up from Cassie.

Did Sidney hurt Billy? "Did..did you hurt him?" Cassie questioned, and Sidney shook her head.

"I could never hurt Billy. I love him," Sidney replied, and Cassie felt slightly relieved, but she was still concerned about the blood on Sidney.

"Sid, who's blood is that?" She asked , Sidney didn't reply, and the phone rang.

Cassie went over and picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"Cassie!" It was Tatum.

"Listen and don't interrupt me! Sidney stabbed Stu and stu's in surgery. Billy's freaking out, and he's pissed but Randy's with him right now. Dewey's heading over to your house. Is Sidney there with you?" Tatum questioned

Cassie heart dropped to her stomach. Sidney stabbed Stu? Why would she stab him?

Before she could reply to tatum, Sidney disconnected the phone, and Cassie turned to look at her.

"You stabbed stu. Why would you stab him!?" Cassie questioned, glaring at her sister.

"Because both you and Billy care about him, and if he's gone, then neither of you will get together. You'll be too lost in the grief to even think about each other. Then, Billy would be mine." Sidney explained

"New flash, Sidney! You tried to kill his best friend, his lover! He isn't gonna fucking love you!" Cassie shouted in anger.

"Lover? Stu and Billy were together?" Sidney gasped, feeling betrayed.

"Listen, I know that you are feeling betrayed, and you are hurting right now -"

"You have no idea how I'm feeling! Stop acting like you do!" Sidney shouted, cutting off Cassie

Cassie scoffed, "No idea how you're feeling!? Sidney, I confessed to you years ago that I liked Billy, and guess what!? The next day, you were dating him! I was hurt and betrayed, the same way you are feeling now!"

"And let's not forget that you never seem to listen to me! Because of you, an innocent man is going down for the murder of our mother! Just because mom was whore didn't mean I didn't love her! Of course I loved her! She was my mom too!"

"You acted like you were the only one that lost mom! New flash, sid! You weren't! Not only did we lose mom, but we lost dad to! He's never home, and you! You act like you are so high and mighty! Like you are better than everyone else!"

"You are not better than everyone else! I just had enough of your bullshit! You stabbed my boyfriend! My best friend!and you're gonna pay for that." Cassie spat out

She was just so angry, and she was taking it out on Sidney.

"No. I'm not the one that's gonna pay. You are." Sidney said before punching Cassie.

Cassie stumbled back before she punched Sidney back, and the two sisters began to fight.

"Just die, Cassie!" Sidney shouted, grabbing a vase and smashing it over Cassie head.

Cassie groaned and gasped before she grabbed a shard and just jammed it into Sidney's neck.

Cassie's eyes widened as blood sprayed on her face. "Shit, no, no, no. Sid, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Cassie put pressure on Sidney's neck wound. "I...I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to. It's gonna be okay."

"Help! Somebody help!" Cassie shouted as she heard the sirens outside of the house.

"Help us!"
Word count - 691

Hope you enjoy!

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