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(Cassie's outfit

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(Cassie's outfit.)

The next day Cassie arrived at the school grounds along with Sidney both surprised to see news reporters and police officers everywhere.

"Did you guys hear?" Tatum questioned coming up to them and walking besides them.

"Hear what?" Sidney questioned, "Casey and steve were murdered last night." Tatum replied

"What?" Cassie turned her head and looked at Tatum with a shock look. "Casey was murdered last night?"

Tatum nodded her head ,"yep. Both her and steve were gutted , found by her parents."

"Casey used to sit next to me in class." Sidney said, "not anymore." Tatum told her.

"Have they found who did it?" Cassie questioned and Tatum shook her head. "No, but they are questioning everyone."

Cassie couldn't believe it. Casey was dead, was it supposed to be fate or something? Was she next? So many questions ran through Cassie's mind.

"Cassie!" Cassie lifted her head and spotted stu rushing over to her. "Hey, you heard what happened?" Cassie nodded her head.

"You feeling okay? I know you and Casey were kinda friends." Stu questioned

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just upset that Casey is dead, you know?" Stu nodded.

Cassie forced a smile on her face and interlocked her hand with Stu's, "come on, I'll walk you to class."

Stu looked at her surprised, "aren't I supposed to walk you to class?" He questioned

"Cassie is so the man in the relationship." Tatum teased and stu blushed ,"shut up, Tatum." Tatum laughed

"Why? It's true," Tatum said ,"you would so bend over if Cassie ask you to." She smirked

"Shut up!" Stu told her and Tatum crackled ,"never."

"Tat, quit teasing, stu." Cassie said and stu smiled, leaning down and pressing a kiss to Cassie's cheek. "Thanks, come on."
- -
Cassie sat besides stu during lunch time. Randy sat next to them. Sidney sat next Billy practically on his lap and Tatum sat next to Sidney.

"What kind of questions did they ask you guys?" Tatum questioned

"They asked me if I knew Casey." Sidney said with a small frown.

"Did they ask you guys if you liked to hunt? They asked me that." Randy spoke up, throwing a grape in his mouth.

"Yeah, they did." Billy nodded, sharing a look with stu.

"They didn't ask me." Tatum said with a small pout. "Cause there was no way a girl killed them." Randy said

"Don't be sexist, dude." Stu said, softly punching Randy on the arm.

"What? I'm just saying, Casey and steve were completely hollowed out and it takes a man to do something like that." Randy said

"Or a man's mentality." Tatum replied, rolling her eyes.

"How do you gut someone?" Sidney questioned, looking uncomfortable by her own questioned

"You slit'em from groin to sternum." Stu answered, and Billy sat up a bit ,"it's called tact, fuckrag."

"Hey, don't call him a fuckrag, Jackass." Cassie said, and stu wrapped his arms around her waist. "It's fine, Cass."

"Where were you last night, Billy? You were the only who wasn't seen at the dance?" Randy questioned

Billy scoffed, "I was at the dance, dimwit. Just ask Stu and Cassie, they saw me."

Stu and Cassie nodded their heads. "Yeah, Billy was at the dance night, being a total loner and all." Cassie said

Billy rolled his eyes ,"I am not a loner. I hang out with you, losers."

Stu chuckled ,"Yeah but we're your losers." Billy tsk , a small smile on his face.

"Shut up." Stu and Cassie let out a small laugh. Sidney stood up and walked away.

"What's up with her?" Randy questioned, "she's probably uncomfortable with our conversation." Tatum said

Cassie stood up, "I'm gonna go check on her."
Word count - 617

Hope you enjoy!

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