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Cassie prescott was a woman on a mission. After making sure Stu was okay at the hospital and they were gonna keep him overnight to keep an eye on him and since only one person can stay with him.

Billy and Cassie both decided it would be best that Billy stays with Stu. Plus, Cassie was pretty sure that Billy didn't want to leave stu's side. She didn't either but She decided that Billy should stay with stu.

Anyway, after Cassie left the hospital. She put her plan into action. She rushed home. She grabbed the costume and knife that was a gift from someone.

She hasn't figured out who it was but she will soon. She put the costume and knife in her bag before leaving her room.

"Cassie, how's stu?" Sidney questioned meeting her by the bottom of the stairs.

"Doctors said it might be stress. They're keeping him overnight just in case and Billy's staying with him." Cassie replied

Sidney looked at her surprised, "he is? Why is he staying with Stu instead of you? You're his girlfriend." She said

"And he's his bestfriend. Listen, I am worried about him but I know that he's gonna be fine." Cassie said,

"I might go and visit before visiting hours are over." Sidney said and Cassie nodded, not thinking much about it.

"Okay, I have something I need to go do but I'll be at the hospital later." With that Cassie left the house.
- -
Hank loomis was at home, just getting done with the phone call from his sons school.

As he placed the phone down, it rang again. With an heavy annoyed sighed. He picked up the phone.


"Hello, Hank."

"Who is this?"

"Just someone who knows your secrets."

"Look, whoever you are, I'm not dealing with your bullshit."

"My bullshit? Ha, that's funny."

"Do you remember what you did a year ago? You were drunk driver and you hit someone with your car. You drove off and left them there to die."

Hank's heart dropped to his stomach, "how..how do you know that?"

"I have my ways. Say, did you feel even an ounce of guilt for almost killing your sons best friend?"

"I bet Billy would be so disappointed in you if he knew."

"Don't say any of this to my son!"

"Why wouldn't i? He deserves to know that because of you, his best friend almost died. And let's not forget, you're the real reason why his mom left."

"You cheated on her and didn't even give her attention. She was your wife and Billy's mother. He lost his mom because of you. Don't you think, that deserves some justice?"

"What do you want from me, huh?! An apology!?"

"An apology?" Mock laugher filled the phone and Hank's hand clenched around the phone.

"Why would I want an apology? Sorry isn't gonna fix anything! No, no."

"What I want isn't a stupid half ass apology. What I want is revenge."

"You shouldn't have slept with Maureen. You shouldn't have hit stu with your car. You should've man up and take responsibility for your actions."

"I guess your finally gonna take responsibility for your actions, Hank."

Hank went ice cold as he heard the dial tone and before he knew it a sharp pain in his back made him yell out in pain, dropping the phone from his hand.

He fell to the tile floor, his blood staining the white floor and above him stood his attacker with a knife dripping blood.

His blood, the attacker raised their knife and Hank screamed.
- -
"-can you at least tell me if you're feeling okay?" Billy questioned, watching as stu played with the rings on his fingers. 

"I'm okay, Billy. I'm just tired, that all. I guess having a seizure tires you out." Stu replied with a small chuckle

Billy drew small circles on the back of stu's hand with his thumb. "The doctors said it was the stress that caused you to have nosebleeds and a seizure. Also due to lack of food."

"I've been eating, I have but I sometimes forget. I think I've been stressed because I've been remembering the accident." Stu told him

"Well, from now on, we have to make sure you eat." Stu smiled at Billy before both boys pulled their hands away from each other as the door opened.

"Oh, sorry. Am I interrupting?" Sidney questioned

"Yes." Billy thought to himself, "No. Hey, sid. How you been?" Stu questioned with small soft smile.

"Good. How you feeling?" Sidney questioned and stu shrugged, "tired."

"Is Cassie here too?" Stu questioned and Sidney shook her head. "She said she had something to do before she comes."

"Oh, Are you here to talk to Billy?" Stu questioned, "Can i?" Sidney asked both of them turning to look at Billy.

"I'm getting coffee, anyways." Billy said standing up. He wanted to lean down and press a kiss to stu's lips but he couldn't with Sidney in the room.

"I'll be right back." Billy said and Stu nodded, "I'll be right here." He said with a small giggle and Billy chuckled.

Word count - 859

Hope you enjoy!

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