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(Cassie's outfit)

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(Cassie's outfit)

The next day, Cassie walked into school and everyone turned to look at her. She ignored them as she walked down the hallway and towards her locker.

"Is it true!?" Randy rushed over to her as she reached her locker. "Did you get attacked last night? Did you get hurt? What are you doing at school?"

Cassie put her combination in before opening her locker. "Okay, first of all. Take a breather. Yes, it's true, Casey and I were attacked last night in her house,"

She pulled out her books while tossing others inside. "I didn't get hurt and I'm at school because it's a school day." She shut her locker and turned to face him.

"Why didn't you stay home? Almost getting murdered is a golden pass, Cassie." Randy told her, his worry washing away once knowing that she was okay.

"Well, Casey took that golden pass and stayed home today. I, on the other hand couldn't stay home because if I did then I would be very bored and I, Cassie prescott don't like getting bored." She replied

"Cassie!" Stu rushed over and pulled Cassie into a hug before pulling back and looking down at her ,"Are you okay? We heard what happened."

Billy appeared and his eyes roamed Cassie's body for any sort of injury.

"I'm completely fine. Casey is the one who's traumatized. Poor girl couldn't stop crying," Cassie said with a small sighed

"What happened?" Billy questioned, looking at Cassie with an intrigued look.

Cassie shrugged, "some lunatic decided to call us, probably hoping for some small talk before murdering us but lucky for Casey and I, a dog barked and it echoed. He saved our lives."

Right, Billy almost murdered that dog but Stu stopped him. They weren't going to kill cassie, just Casey.

They were just gonna knock her out. "So, uh..you didn't get hurt, right?" Billy questioned

"Nope. Not one scratch on me, the attacker didn't even find us and we were hiding in the closet." She chuckled while Billy and Stu shared a look.

"Oh, so you used logic on this attacker? Man, they must've been dumb not to look in the closet first." Randy laughed

Billy clenched his fist and Stu chuckled, which was obviously forced. "Yeah, so dumb."

"It was just my basic knowledge on horror movies." Cassie said with a small shrug ,"I had watched way to many horror movie with you boys that I know all the rules and how most killer's think."

"How did this one think?" Billy questioned and Cassie hummed.

"This attacker was angry. Clearly, the dude had anger issues and was taking it out on other people." She replied as the Bell rang.

"But the guy was wearing a costume, so I couldn't really get a read on him." She added

"How do you know it was a guy?" Stu questioned and Cassie shrugged.

"Just a gut feeling. See ya boys around." With that she walked away.

"Dude, just ask her out already before she gets that pizza guys number!" Randy told stu.

"What?" Randy scoffed ,"seriously? You like Cassie and don't bother hiding it because you haven't been doing a good job at it. You're single, she's single, ask her out."

Stu sighed rubbing the back of his neck ,"I don't know, man. I don't wanna ruin what we have."

Randy turned to Billy, "Billy, tell him to man up and ask out Cassie."

Billy turned to look at Stu. "You should go for it. Ask her to the Halloween dance,"

It would be a big step in their relationship. Billy and stu were already in a relationship together for months already. They just needed Cassie and their relationship would be completed.

Stu smiled , his cheeks turning red. "Yeah, maybe I'll ask her to the dance."
Word count- 640

Hope you enjoy!

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