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It was time for the Halloween dance, and Cassie was getting ready in her room. She smiled to herself as she finished applying her makeup.

She heard the doorbell rang and excitement filled her entire body. She rushed out of her room and down the stairs.

She opened the door and smiled ,"Stu!oh my gosh, you look amazing!"

Stu smiled ,"you look gorgeous, Cassie." He blushed, rubbing the back of his neck.

Cassie pulled stu inside of the house, "Boo!" Startled, Cassie jumped back in surprise.

Billy laughed, and Cassie rolled her eyes ,"You're such a jerk." Stu giggled, "it was funny."

"Sally and Jack, huh?" Billy smiled, He couldn't believe how perfect the two looked, and he wanted nothing more than to take them upstairs and just make them his.

"Yep! Nightmare before Christmas is our favorite movie. We decided to dress as our favorite characters." Cassie replied

"What are you?" She questioned, "Oh, I didn't dress up." Billy replied

"He says he's too old for it." Stu corrected, and Billy smirked, "Yeah, I am, but I have a costume. I'm just saving it for the dance."

"Hey, Billy." Sidney greeted, walking down the stairs. "What are you dressed as?" Cassie questioned

"I'm not dressed as anything," Sidney told her ,"cause you're too old?" Cassie guessed

"Yeah." Sidney nodded with a small chuckle.

"You guys ready?" Billy questioned and the prescott sisters nodded their heads.
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At the school dance, Stu and Cassie were dancing like nobody was watching. Actually, many were watching, impressed by them.

Randy was matching their energy dancing with some girls. Sidney and Tatum were around the snack area while Billy was nowhere to be seen.

"Cassie and stu are definitely gonna win best couple costume." Tatum told Sidney who nodded.

"Who knew Cassie and stu would get together." Sidney said and Tatum chuckled

"Stu and Cassie have liked each other for a long time. Shit, Cassie even had a crush on Billy before the two of you gotten together. I'm pretty sure, Billy had a crush on her too but was too much of a coward to ask her out." Tatum said, drinking her punch.

Sidney frowned. She knew that Cassie had a crush on Billy before. She told her about her crush on him and how she was gonna ask him out but Sidney beat her to it.

Was it a bad move? Yes, it was but she liked Billy to. She just couldn't have let Cassie have Billy but she didn't know that Billy had a crush on Cassie.

Sure, Cassie was beautiful with her long brown hair, her dazzling brown eyes , her beautiful features.

Cassie was born beautiful, she was born with confidence. Cassie grew up alongside Billy, stu and Randy. She was practically one of the boys.

Sidney should've know that the boys would develop a crush on the only girl in their friend group.

"You know, stu and Cassie should definitely win best dancers." Tatum laughed, snapping Sidney from her thoughts.

"And Randy." Tatum added , Sidney watched her sister dance with Stu. She looked so happy and so Free.

Insecurity and jealousy ate at Sidney as she kept watching her sister. Why did Cassie have to get everything?
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Casey was home alone since she didn't want to go to the Halloween dance. She was still freaked out by the attack.

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