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Cassie quickly caught up with Sidney. "Hey, what's wrong?" She questioned and Sidney sighed.

"You are all joking around like someone didn't just die." Sidney said and Cassie sighed.

"Listen, that's just our way with coping with things. We just joke around, that's all." Cassie told her

"Your friend died, Cassie and you're joking and laughing around. It shows what kind of friend you are." Sidney said

Cassie scoffed, "what? Are you serious? I'm sorry that I'm not crying my heart out, sid. My way of coping with shit is joking around and hanging out with my friends."

"It looks like you don't even care, Cassie. She was your friend." Sidney told her

"Why do you care? You didn't even like her." Cassie said, crossing her arms.

"Or is this because mom's anniversary is coming up?" She questioned and Sidney scoffed.

"Don't bring her up, Cassie. That's a sore subject." Sidney said and Cassie clicked her tongue, nodding her head.

"You're not the only one who lost mom, sid. I lost her too and I'm in pain too." Cassie said

"Really? You act like you don't care! You're life is perfect, Cassie! I'm pretty sure you don't even care if mom-"

"Don't you dare say shit!" Cassie cut her off, "don't you dare say that I didn't care about mom. Even though, she was whoring herself around, I still loved her."

A loud slap echoed throughout the quiet hallway and Cassie's cheek stung. She placed a hand over her cheek and stared at Sidney.

"Mom wasn't a whore!" Sidney cried out and Cassie tsk, "you know what? Fuck you, sid. I was trying to be the nice and supporting sister but fuck you, sid."

Cassie turned around and walked away. She pushed the school doors open and felt the cool wind.

"Cassie?" Cassie turned her head as she reached the bottom of the stairs. Billy stood there, his eyes went to her cheek.

He walked over and gently grabbed her chin, tilting her head to the side. "What happened?"

There was a small scratch on her cheek, her cheek was red and the scratch was slightly bleeding.

"Sidney happened." Cassie mumbled, softly pushing Billy's hand away from her.

"She did this?" Billy questioned, anger filling his body.

Cassie sighed ,"it was my fault, anyway. I called our mom a whore and I shouldn't have said that. I mean, she's still grieving and everything."

"You are too." Billy told her and Cassie looked at him. "I mean, you also lost your mom and she's acting like she's the only one in pain. She's not, you're in pain too, Cassie."

"I caught her with cotton weary that night. The night she got murdered," Cassie told him

Billy body tensed ,"what?"

Cassie sighed, "That night, I was just getting back home from Casey's house. I saw him, I saw cotton walking down the stairs and my mom following him. He left, Billy."

"My mom and I, we got into this huge fight and I called her a horrible mother, a horrible wife. I called her a whore to her face and I locked myself in my room afterward. I know that cotton didn't murder my mother, I tried to tell Sidney but she was convinced that he did it." She continued

"I went to visit him-" "you what?" Billy cut off Cassie.

"I went to apologize. I told him that I would do everything I can to make sure that he wasn't convicted of murdering my mother but I couldn't do much. Not with Sidney as a witness, not after she testified." Cassie continued as if Billy didn't interrupt her.

"Sidney put away an innocent man. Gale even wrote a book about it but it wasn't much help. Just the two of us, it didn't even do a dent. Of course, I'm upset that my mom is dead but the closer her anniversary gets, the closer cotton weary death sentence is coming."

"I can't focus on my mom's death when I know an innocent man is going to die because of my sister." Cassie finished , tears sliding her face.

"That..that makes me a bad daughter, a bad sister. God, he's just a man, my mom slept with but it just doesn't set right with me, you know?"

Billy pulled Cassie into his embrace, hugging her. Cassie hugged him back, Burying her face in his shoulder.

"It's gonna be okay, Cassie. Everything is gonna be okay."

Word count - 746

Hope you enjoy!

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