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(Cassie's outfit)

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(Cassie's outfit)

Life has seemed to be getting back to normal after a few months have passed. Billy, Cassie, and stu have gotten together and were happy. They were happy, but they were still on guard.

With Sidney still out there, they will always be on guard.

Over the months, the three of them plus, Randy and Tatum graduated high school. Now, they were heading to college.

Billy, of course, voiced his compliant about it, but since stu and Cassie wanted to go to college, then he was going to.

Cassie was currently finishing packing the last of her stuff. Billy and stu were currently at stu's house since Billy went to live with stu after his dad died.

Cassie took the last box down and placed it by the door. Now, all that was left was putting all those boxes in the car.

As she was gonna open the door, the doorbell rang. She hesitantly opened the door since she wasn't expecting anyone.

There was a man standing there, looking a bit nervous. "Um, hi." Cassie greeted

"Hi, are you Cassie prescott?" He questioned, and Cassie nodded her head.

"Yes, I am. What can I help you with?" She questioned

"My name is Roman bridger, and my mother was Maureen prescott." He told her, and Cassie blinked in surprise and shock.


This man, Roman bridger, is her brother? Her half brother?

"You're my half brother?" Roman nodded ,"yes, I am. I came here a few years ago, and I told Maureen that I was her son, but she sent me away."

Cassie couldn't believe it. She had an older brother. She couldn't believe her mother would hide this.

"Well, um, come inside. Do you want some coffee?" She questioned, stepping aside and letting him inside.

"Yeah, thank you." Cassie nodded ,"why don't you tell me more about yourself? While I get the coffee ready?" Roman smiled and nodded.
- -
Billy and stu walked inside of Cassies house. "Cassie!?" Billy called out, closing the door behind him.

"In the kitchen!" Stu and Billy walked into the kitchen. "Who's this?" Billy questioned as stu went over and placed a kiss to Cassie cheek.

"This is my brother, Roman bridger." Cassie said

"Brother?" Stu asked, looking at Roman before looking at Cassie, and he hummed. "Yeah, I can see the resemblance."

"What are you doing here, now?" Billy questioned,

"Billy, be nice. He's family." Cassie told him ,"I am being nice by asking valid questions." Billy replied with a small smirk.

Stu loosely wrapped his arms around Billy's shoulders and rested his head on top of his. "You're just being overprotective."

"I want to have a silbing bond with Cassie. I wanted to be a part of the family, but Maureen sent me away, and now, I'm hoping Cassie and I could be family." Roman said

"Of course, you're my brother, Roman. We're family." Cassie said, and Roman smiled

"Well, I'm Stu macher, nice to meet ya!" Stu happily said, and Billy hummed ,"Billy loomis."

"Billy, stu, and I are in a relationship together." Cassie said, and Roman nodded.

"That's great. You guys seem perfect for each other." Roman said

"We're heading off to college in a few hours, but we brought a house with some extra rooms. You can come with and bond with Cassie if you want." Billy told him

"I can?" Roman asked, surprised, and Cassie and stu looked at Billy in surprise as well.

Did Billy just do something nice?

"What? Why is everyone looking at me like that?" He questioned

"You're being nice," stu told him ,and Billy rolled his eyes.

"Just offering plus, it would be best for us to get to know our brother in law." Billy said, grinning.

Cassie chuckled, shaking her head, "Well, since we have a few hours left, why don't we order some pizza and get to know each other better?"

"Yeah. That's a good idea."
Word count - 656

Final chapter!

Hope you enjoy!

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