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The autumn weather wind blew into Cassie's opened window. It was late in the evening and she was getting ready to go over to Casey's house.

"Boo!" Startled, Cassie let out a small scream turning towards her window. Billy laughed before he fell through the window landing roughly on the ground.

Cassie laughed, "ooh, instant karma." Billy chuckled, standing up and looking around Cassie's room. It was different than Sidney's that's for sure.

(Cassie's room)

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(Cassie's room)

"Don't you have a key, loomis?" She questioned and Billy sat on her bed. Her cats surrounding him instantly.

"I do but I saw your window open and I couldn't let go of the opportunity to scare you." Billy replied, smirking

"What's with the outfit?" Cassie huffed, crossing her arms. 

(Cassie's outfit)

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(Cassie's outfit)

"Do you have something against my outfits, Billy?" She questioned and he shook his head

"No, I don't. What happened to the bunny slippers? You look cute in that." Billy told her

"Cute? Ha, hilarious. For information for that little brain of yours, I'm going over to Casey's house for a sleepover." She told him as she pulled up her hair to tie it into a messy bon.

"What? You're going over to Casey's? Why?" Billy questioned

Cassie sighed, "because she invited me over. We're planning the school together. It's Halloween themed but we have so much work to do."

Billy stood up from the bed ,trying to some excuse to make Cassie stay at home.

"Now if you excuse me, I practically live on coffee and I need some right now. See you later, Billy boy." With that Casey walked away.

Billy scoffed, his plan was still on for tonight. Cassie's not gonna be a problem at all.
- -
Cassie banged her head against the counter. "We should just let everyone wear what they want. It's not like it's prom,"

"Plus it's gonna be Halloween!" She lifted her head and looked at Casey.

"What? No way, if we let everyone wear what they want then I'm not gonna win the best Halloween costume." Casey said as the phone rang.

"Why do you have to win at everything?" Cassie questioned watching as Casey picked up the phone.

"Hello?" Casey answered

"Hello." A young but slightly deep voice replied

"Who's this?"

"Who is this?"

"I think you got the wrong number."

"Did i?"

"It happens. Take it easy." Casey said before she hung up and placed the phone down.

"Who was it?" Cassie questioned tossing a marshmallow into her mouth.

Casey shrug, "don't know and don't care."

The phone rang again and this time Cassie picked it up.

"Hello." She cheerily said,

"Hello." Creepy ass voice put Cassie on guard. She had watched way to many horror movies with Randy and Stu to know this is the part where the two girls having a sleepover with no adults around die.

"Who is this?" She questioned

"I think I dialed the wrong number."

"Did you?"

"Uh-huh. Can we talk? I'm a bit lonely right now."

"Hmm? I don't know, I have a project I'm working on right now." Cassie replied, getting startled as a dog outside barked.

She heard an echo through the phone but it sounded a bit louder. Her heart started to race in her chest.

She stood up and Casey looked at her. Cassie grabbed Casey's arm.

"Hello? You still there?"

"Yep! On second thought. We can talk, my friend just went to the bathroom." Cassie said as she backed up pulling Casey with her.

"That's great! What'cha doing right now?"

"Just drinking coffee." Cassie replied as she pushed Casey into the bathroom and she walked in , silently closing the door and locking it.

"What is going on?" Casey whispered and Cassie held a finger silencing her.

"Drinking coffee in the bathroom with your friend?" Cassie clenched the phone in her hand.

"So, you are outside watching us." Casey's eyes widened at Cassie's words.

"You're a smart one, Cassie. How'd you figure it out?"

"The bark echoed, dumbass."

"Ha, ha. Hiding in the bathroom is a good idea but also a death trap."

"Goodbye, jackass."

"Wait! Don't hang up on me or I'll-"  the threat was cut off as Cassie hung up and she dialed 911.

A loud crash sounded startling both the girls. Both of them screamed as a knife stabbed through the door. Cassie handed the phone to Casey who started speaking to the cops.

There was another door and Cassie went over, pulling Casey with her. She opened the door rushing out along with Casey. She closed the door and locked it before she rushed over and locked the other door.

She pushed a drawer infront of the bathroom door before she pulled Casey towards the closet.

"They're coming." Casey whispered and Cassie nodded. "We just have to stay quiet, okay?"

Casey nodded her head as tears slid down her face. Cassie and Casey sat in the dark corner and Cassie held Casey.
Word count - 826

Hope you enjoy!

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