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(Cassie's outfit)

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(Cassie's outfit)

Cassie wanted to have a chat with Hank loomis but she needed someone to distract Billy, and who was better than Randy meeks?

Cassie put on in innocent smile as she stood in front of Randy. Randy turned his head and looked at Cassie.

"I know that smile. That smile is" I want you to do something for me that might get you killed" kind of smile." Randy told her

Cassie chuckled, leaning against the locker. "I need you to do me a favor."

Randy closed his locker and fully turned towards Cassie. "Okay, how does my life my end?"

"I need you to distract Billy. I can't tell you why and you can't ask any questions about it. " Cassie told him

"Why not ask stu? He's less likely to get killed by Billy." Randy told her

"Because Stu would snitch on me." Cassie replied

"Yeah, he would. Alright, I'm in but I could only buy you an hour or so before he gets annoyed at me and leaves." Randy told her

Cassie nodded ,"an hour is all I need." She smiled, "Thanks, Rands."
- -
Later that evening, Cassie walked towards the front door of the Loomis house.

Hank loomis car was in the drive way and she knew he was home. She raised her hand and knocked on the door. She backed up a bit and waited.

A minute passed before the door was answered. "Cassie prescott, Billy's not here." Hank told her

Cassie forced a smile on her face. "Actually, I'm here to talk to you if you have a second. It's about Billy, do you mind if I come in?"

Hank stepped aside and let Cassie inside. He closed the door behind her. "So, what is it?"

"Is something wrong with Billy?" Hank questioned

Cassie hummed, "No. Billy's fine. I just want to ask. How many times have you slept with my mother?" She turned to look at him.


"Don't bother denying it. I know that you slept with my mother. How many times, did you sleep with her?" Cassie questioned

"That's none of your business." Hank told her and Cassie chuckled

"Oh, but it is." Her fake smile faded and anger appeared in her eyes.

"You are gonna tell me everything that I want to know or-" She pulled out the knife from her back pocket. 

"Or I'll just have to force it out of you." She smirked ,"which one is it gonna be?"
- -
Billy was annoyed and jealous as fuck. Billy and Stu were hanging out with Randy but Randy and Stu have been chatting none stop for the past three hours.

Stu hasn't even talk to him in three hours or even looked at his direction. Billy was seriously thinking about bending stu over and showing him who he belong to.

Randy on the other hand was fucking nervous. He managed to buy Cassie two extra hours for God knows what but Billy looks seconds away from snapping.

"Hey, Stu," Billy spoke up causing the taller teen to look at him. "Yeah, B?"

"We should get going. It's getting late," Billy told him sending Randy a glare.

"You can go ahead, B. I'm gonna hang out with Randy for a bit more." Stu replied and Billy glared at him.

"Stu, now. We're leaving." Stu tensed ,"y-yeah. Okay. We'll see you later Randy."

"Yeah, see ya." Randy watched as Billy held the door for stu before walking out himself.

Randy let out a sighed of relief once Billy was gone. He seriously thought that Billy was gonna kill him.

Cassie owes him big time.
- -
Stu kept glancing at Billy as they walked side by side. "Did..did i do something wrong?" He questioned

"What?" Billy turned his head and looked at stu. "Well, you're mad at me."

Billy sighed ,"you ignored me for three hours." Stu frowned, "I'm sorry."

"Just don't ignore me next time." Stu smiled and hooked his pinky with Billy's. "I won't, promise."

As they neared Billy's house , Hank's car backed up from the driveway and Stu froze.
- -
Stu whimpered as his body ached in pain. He could feel the blood gushing down the side of his face.

His eyes were focused on the car, the car that was driving away.
- -
"-u!stu!" Stu blinked, staring at Billy who was looking at him with worried eyes.

"Huh?" Stu felt something sliding down his nose before he could taste the metallic taste of blood.

"Shit, you're having a nosebleed." Billy told him, pulling him towards the house while stu used his sleeve shirt to try and stop the nosebleed.

They rushed inside of the house ,"sit." Billy ordered and stu sat down on one of the chairs.

Billy walked over and pressed a towel against stu's nose. "Does your head hurt?" Billy questioned and stu shook his head.

"I'm fine. Billy..can I tell you something and promise that you won't get mad?" Stu questioned and Billy nodded.

"Your dad's car...I remember it...I remember seeing it and my body was in pain....I think..I think your dad was there the day I had my accident."

"That's why you froze because you saw his car." Billy ran a hand through his hair trying to control his anger.

"I'm gonna kill that fucker."
Word count - 887

Hope you enjoy!

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