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(Cassie's outfit)

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(Cassie's outfit)

Cassie hummed as she finished doing her hair. She smiled to herself before walking out of her room, grabbing her school bag on the way.

"Morning, sid." She greeted as Sidney walked out of her room at the same time. Sidney smiled ,"Morning, Cassie."

The two sisters walked down the stairs together as the front door opened and Billy walked in.

"I locked that door last night." Cassie commented and Billy smirked ,"I have my ways to get inside."

"Uh-huh and by that you mean you made a copy of our house key?" Cassie teased and Billy frowned,

"How did you find out." Cassie let out a small laugh. "You are a total weirdo, sid, your boyfriend is werid."

"I gave him a key last night." Sidney told her and Cassie turned to look at her ,"This is why people get murdered. You just gave him better access to murder us in our sleep." She joked

Billy tensed but neither girls noticed. "Cassie." Sidney said in a warning tone but all Cassie did was laugh

"I'm joking! Take a chill pill, sid. This is the 90s, practically anyone can just break into anyone's home." Cassie said

"And you call me a weirdo," Billy told her and Cassie chuckled ,"oh, that's cause you are."

Billy chuckled ,"are you two ready?" He questioned glancing between the sisters.

"I am but I'm not riding with you guys, sorry." Cassie told them ,"and why not?" Billy questioned

"Because I'm riding the bus with Randy, duh. Speaking of which, I gotta or else I'm gonna miss the bus. See ya later." With that, Cassie walked out of the house.

"She's been ditching us more often," billy told Sidney who sighed, "maybe, she's giving us some time alone?" Billy shrugged.

- -
Upon arriving at school, Cassie and Randy exit the school bus. Cassie let out a squeal of surprise as she was picked up and thrown over a shoulder.

She was spun around and she let out a small laugh. "Stu put me down, you're showing my ass to everyone!"

Stu macher laughed as he put down Cassie, "oops."

Cassie chuckled, fixing her hair , her brown eyes shining brightly with happiness.

"Where were you last night, man? You missed the most brutal kills ever." Randy said as the three started to walk towards the school.

"Billy and I had plans last night." Stu replied and Cassie raised an eyebrow, "you did? I thought Billy went on a date with sid, last night?"

"Oh right! Yeah, I forgot," stu nervously chuckled ,"I fell asleep on the couch waiting for that jerk to show up, guess I know why he didn't."

Cassie hummed, hooking her arm with stu's and Randy's. "Who needs guys? Certainly we do not or in Randy's case, women. Who needs lovers when you got bestfriends?"

"Billy's my bestfriend and he stood me up for a girl." Stu pouted and Cassie tsk ,"second bestfriend, stu. I'm your first, he's second."

"Right cause I met you first before we met Billy." Stu chuckled as the three walked into school.

"Extacly!" Cassie smiled , she removed her arms from Randy and Stu. She turned to face the two.

"I have things to do before class but I will see you two around." She told them before she turned around and walked away.

"The pizza guy name is Cole, and he doesn't come to our school. She hasn't gotten his number yet." Randy gossiped and stu looked at him ,

"She hasn't gotten his number, yet? Should we take her to the hospital?" Stu questioned concerned.

"Not yet. If she hasn't gotten his number by the end of the week, we should."
Word count - 618

Hope you enjoy!

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