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Stu nervously waited outside of the school for Cassie. He was walking back and forth and swinging his arms around.

He snapped his head up as he heard the doors open and Cassie walked out. "Cassie!" He walked over to her, walking beside her.

"Oh, hey, stu. Thought you'll be gone by now." Cassie said and stu chuckled ,"Nah, I decided to wait for you cause I have a question to ask you."

Cassie hummed ,"what is it?" Stu bit his bottom lip.

"Would you..would you like to go to the Halloween dance with me as my date?" Stu questioned and Cassie paused and stu feared he was going to get rejected.

"Yes, I would love to go to the Halloween dance as your date." Cassie said and stu smiled

"Really?" Cassie nodded her head. "Yeah," she smiled, her cheeks tinting red. "So, what are you dressing up for Halloween?" She questioned

Stu hummed in thought, "to be honest, I have no clue at all."

"That's alright. We have all week to figure it out," Cassie replied before bitting her bottom lip as she interlocked her hand with Stu's.

Stu's eyes widened but he held Cassie's hand. His heart was thumping loudly in his chest and his face was feeling very Warm.

Billy and Cassie always made him feel like this. They made him feel so nervous yet so loved.

"Excuse me! Cassie prescott!?" Stu and Cassie paused their walking as Gale Weathers appeared in front of them like some sort of ghost.

"Gale weathers," Cassie greeted with a small smile ,

"Do you have a few moments? I want to ask you some questions about what happened?" Gale questioned.

"Actually, she's really busy right now,"stu spoke up with a tight smile on his face ,"sorry but we have to get going."

Gale turned to look at stu, "Stu Macher, how have you been? How have you been coping since the car accident that almost took your life?"

Stu tensed and Cassie tighten her hold on his hand. "Stu's right. We're leaving." Cassie pulled stu along with her, walking away from Gale weathers.

As soon as they were a few feet away from Gale weather, Cassie sighed ,"You alright, Stu?"

Stu shrugged, his pointer finger tapping against the back of Cassie's hand. "I don't remember that day, Cassie."

Cassie wrapped her other arm around Stu's arm. She leaned her head on his shoulder as they walked. "I remember that day, I know Billy remembers that day,"

"Yet, neither of you can tell me what happened." Stu told her, leaning into her touch.

"It's not that easy to talk about, stu. I mean, when I got that phone call..." Cassie took a deep breath ,"I felt my whole life stop."

"I don't even remember how I got to the hospital but I do remember when I got there that Billy was a mess. He was fighting with the nurses and doctors because they wouldn't tell him anything since he wasn't family," she told him

"As soon as he saw me, he broke, stu. He pulled me into his embrace and he started sobbing. He sounded so heartbroken and..I didn't know what to do because I've never seen Billy like that before." She continued

"We were both so scared and then you woke up, you didn't remember anything of the accident and we both decided that it was best for you not to remember it like we do." She finished, a single tear fell from her eye but she quickly wiped the tear away.

"What extacly happened, Cassie?" Stu questioned and Cassie sighed.

"It was a drunk driver, that's what dewey said or at least it was since it was a hit and run. They haven't even caught the guy who did. I think you were walking home and the car hit you," Cassie said

"Dewey said he never saw something so horrifying in his life before. Tatum said that he had nightmares because you know, he always thought of you as his pseudo little brother." Cassie told him

"Thanks for telling me, Cassie."

Word count - 687

Hope you enjoy!

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