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Billy let out a sighed as he took a sip of his coffee. Sidney stood beside him , "we need to talk, Billy."

Billy hummed ,"about what?"

"About stu, about us,...about Cassie." She told him and he looked at her

"What about them?" He questioned and she sighed.

"Lately, you have been hanging out with Stu and you don't even have time for me and..Tatum told me that you used to have a crush on Cassie." Sidney told him

"Shit, can't she keep her mouth for once in her life." Billy mumbled "So, it is true, you had a crush on Cassie?" Sidney asked , crossing her arms, frowning.

"Who wouldn't? I thought you knew, sid. I grew up alongside her and what? You didn't think I would have feelings for her?" Billy told her

"Apparently everyone knew beside me. I mean, I knew Cassie liked you but.." Sidney trailed off and Billy was surprised.

Cassie liked him before? Before he even got with Sidney?

"But instead of being a good sister, you decided to go behind her back and date me?" Billy finished for her as he came to a realization.

"I liked you, Billy. I love you, okay?we were fifteen when Cassie told me she had a crush on you. I couldn't tell her that I had a crush on you. She..she was gonna ask you out, but I asked you out first." Sidney said

"I should've said no. You made me believe, Cassie didn't even like me that way. All this time, I could've been with her, instead I was with you." Billy scoffed, shaking his head.

"We're done, sid." Billy told her, glaring at her.

"What? You can't just break up with me , Billy. Not over Cassie." Sidney said

"I'm not breaking up with you because of Cassie. I'm breaking up with because I don't have feelings for you, okay? I never did and I'll never will." Billy said

"I made the mistake of stringing you along when I'm in love with someone else. That's on me, that's why I'm breaking up with you. I don't have feelings for you." He added

"Now if excuse me, I'm gonna head to back to Stu, now." With that, Billy walked away from Sidney.

Sidney scoffed, and something inside of her just snapped. She rushed past Billy who looked slightly startled.
- -
Stu was lying on the bed in boredom. He wanted to sleep but he was waiting for Cassie. He wanted to see her before he fell into a deep sleep.

He was startled as the door opened and it was slammed shut. "Sid? What's up?" He questioned, slightly sitting up.

"Billy broke up with me." Sidney said, sniffling.

"Oh, I'm sorry, sid. It'll be okay, though." Stu told her and she scoffed ,"No it's not."

"Hey! Sidney open the door!" Billy tried to open the door but it was locked.

"Sid, what are you doing?" Stu questioned

"You know, I can't have Cassie get Billy. He's mine but, Cassie and Billy, they're not the same without you." Sidney said

"What are you talking about?" Stu questioned, a bad feeling settling in his stomach.

"I'm gonna get rid of you, that way Cassie won't have Billy." Sidney said grabbing the small scalpel that was on the small tray in the corner of the room. 

"Sid, don't do this. Put that down-" stu was cut off as Sidney plunge the scalpel into his stomach.

The door was busted opened and Billy's hearted stilled. "No, no!" He rushed over, pushing Sidney away from stu.

"Help! We need help!" Billy shouted, his hands over stu's wound. Sidney rushed out of the room as nurses and doctors ran inside.

Billy was pushed back as the nurses and doctors got to work. He stared down at his hands that were covered in stu's blood.

How The fuck did everything go so wrong in matter of minutes?


Word count - 657

Hope you enjoy!

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