Chapter 1

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A scar it's just a thing on viv's body that she has gotten used to over time. A thing that only one other person in the world has seen and knows the hole story of how it came about in the first place. Lots of people have scars and each individual scar has a story. Some scars have happy storys and some scars not so.

The only other person that knows is Lars. Lars is Vivs brother and best friend. Lars is the only person that viv trusts 100% and knows really well. You may be wondering about viv's Parents thay both disapered when viv was 14 and lars was 18.

 A scar is a normal thing in life most people have scars. Some scars are are happy scars and some scars are injury scars but some scars you don't want to talk about and some scars are better not known.

The story of a scar. ( WOSO Meadema )Where stories live. Discover now