Chapter 11

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It was a few weeks later and we were just doing our morning laps of the pitch to warm up which we do every day so i was sort of used to but then all of a sudden the coach called me over. 

' Viv can you just come over please. ' Jonas shouted over to me.

As i walked over to jonas he told me that there was somebody waiting for me at the front desk. I walked through towords the front desk not thinkinking anything but when i walked throught the door i saw something that i never thought i would see.

' Hi vivianne.'

My dad and my mum. What are they doing here.

' What do you want ?

' Wow thanks for that vivianne. We haven't seen you in years and we wanted to give you this. '

It was just a letter and i knew that this couldn't be good. I just had to leave i walked out off the office and just went to the old medical room because i knew that nobody would ever go in there as it was basicly now a old storage room. I braced myself and opened the letter.

' HI vivianne. I know that we left out of spite for everything and we don't regret it at all. We don't regret leaving you at all. You are still a disapointment to us even though you have gotten so far you still betrayed us. We don't regret what we did to you and we hope you get treated differently because of it. Also lars is on our side he never wanted to be on your side. We just got him to cover our tracks and now he is coming with us. Goodbye Vivianne. '

My mind just lost it and i broke down. How has the person that i have trusted through all of this now betrayed me as well. How can they say that to there own daughter. My thoughts were broken short when i heard the girls coming back in from the feild and the door cracked open. Crap i must have been too loud.

' Viv whats wrong ? '

' Is there anything that we can do to help ?'

From this i knew that it was Jen and Lotte who had found me.

' Get beth please.'

' Beth? ' Jen said obviously a bit suprised.

' Don't question it'. 

Then i heard the door shut behind them and i was alone again with my thoughts. I can't go back into the state i was in years ago. How am i supposed to perform and be proud of myself if even my own parents are.

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