Chapter 18

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Viv's POV

We had just arived and a few people were already here and a few people had already had a couple of drinks. Katie had deffintely already had a few drinks and had already gotten onto me which i really didn't need.

Me and Beth were just sat on the bean bags in the corner, just sat out of the way. the hole team were now here and a few people were already drunk. Me and beth on the other side were very much sober and just enjoying the time. 

I could feel myself starting to tense up and getting more and more zoned out.

' I'm just going to do and sit outside for a minute '

' I'll come with you '

' You don't have to beth '

' I'm coming '

We went and sat outside we both just sat with our legs up to our chest. i could feel it coming and i knew in my heart that i couldn't stop this one.

Beth's POV

I could hear Viv's breathing getting more heavy and i knew what was happening, from knowing viv and from my personal experiences. I just rubbed her back and she roke down. She leant into me and just hugged me. 

' I'm sorry beth '

' Viv you don't need to appologize, i understand i deal with panic attacks as well youre not alone, you don't need to hide yourself from me.' 

' Thank you so much beffie it means so much '

Time skip to a couple hours later

Viv's POV

We were all sat around kim's living room playing truth or dare, i didn't really want to play but i didn't want to be the only one not playing. I was sat down with the wall on one side of me and beth on the other. 

So far in the game caitlin had eaten leaves, katie had done five more shots and lia was sat on leah's lap. So when it got to my turn i was quite scared.

Kim was asking me so i had a bit of hope.

' Viv truth or dare '

' Dare '

' Sit by the person that you would most like to date '

I didn't move at all and people just started looking at me 

' Do it then viv ' katie said in a drunk tone.

' I have '

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