chapter 15

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Viv's pov

I have had a serious mental health battle. Some people may think that oh yea that's obvious with the childhood and life that I have had and yes that is part of the problem but there is another reason.

When I was younger I always knew that I was different. I didn't like physical contact, I couldn't make eye contact, I struggled in school and with my emotions.

And with what you already know about my parents you can already expect that they did nothing. They just told me to stop being a wimp and grow up.

It wasn't until I was living with my brother that he took me to the doctor and it turned out that I had server anxiety and autism.

This explains my mental health issues. I had to mask who I was for most of my childhood years. I had to not be me which is really hard to do.

This also explains why I got so obsessed with stuff so quickly and why my memory was so good. I had what I learned to be called special interests and a photographic memory.

This was quite hard to hide from my teammates as it is a huge part of my life.

Not even Beth or Lotte knew about my autism or my mental health battle.

The only thing that they know is that I had a couple of months off in 2018 but what they didn't know is that I spent that time in hospital.

The other thing was that I saw someone else there but they still to this day don't know that I saw them there.

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