Chapter 8

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A\N TW for this one 

' It was 10 years ago that everything went down. My parents left when i was 14 but they didn't just leave unharmed. I didn't know what was happeneing so i obviously tried to stop them but then they just told me that they were leaving because they were ashamed of me because i played football and wasn't a girly girl and that i was gay. Then my parents cut me from my shouder the hole way round my back and onto my tummy with there keys for the cars. Then they just left me on the floor. Aftere that it just went black and then the next thing i remember was me in the hospital. From what i know now Lars found me hours later when he got home from work. That was the day that i was told that i may never be able to play football again because of the nerve damage. That is when all of my anxiety and panic attacks started to get much worse and it just hasn't gotten better since then. I haven't seen my parents since and i'm not sure if i want to. I don't tell my team and the people close to me about this because of my youth team treated me differently when they found out. That how i have my scar. '

Beth just kept on hugging me. This is a first. Everybody else that i have told has run away from me when i told them. I had a feeling that she would do the same but she hasn't.

' I love you vivi. I would never run away from you. I mean that fully vivi, i would never run away from you. I love you too much. I could never betray you like that vivi.'

' I love you beffy. More than i have ever loved anybody ever. Other than mt brother, your the only person that i fully trust around me and you are the only person to ever hear my story and your the only person that i would ever let see my scar.'

The story of a scar. ( WOSO Meadema )Where stories live. Discover now