Chapter 21

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TW for this chapter just as a warning

Viv's POV

We had been on the plane for about an hour and beth still hadn't muttered a word to me. This shocked me, beth is always chatty and loud but she was just sat looking out of the window.

I knew what beth's breathing was like when she was asleep because of when she fell asleep on the sofa at home. I can tell that she was pretending that she was asleep but i could she right through her. Her breathing got heavier and i knew what was coming.

' Beffy are you ok ? '

She just sort of lost it a little bit and put her head in her hands. I put up the armrest in between us and pulled her into me. She just started to ball her eyes out and i can tell that she was tring to be quiet so that other people didn't hear but i noticed that everybody else was asleep.

' Don't worry there all asleep '

' I'm sorry viv '

' Beth you really don't need to apologize i understand. '

' Thank you vivi '

Skip to when beth is at the villa

Beth's POV 

Everybody had gone out for the night when we got here and i stayed at the villa. There was only 3  with doubles and then one of the rooms had a single in as well rooms in the villa to share between me, viv, katie, caitlin, jordan, leah and lia. 

I was just stood in the kitchen with all of the bags infront of me, so i had the job of assigning rooms. I put katie and caitlin together, then leah and lia but then i can't put jordan in with leah and lia so i put her in with katie and caitlin. that left me and viv. 

I felt really really low and i didn't know what else to do. i went and sat by the pool and there was some sharper rocks around and i just cut myself. I didn't want to relaps but i didn't know what else to do. 

All of a sudden i heard the noise of viv shoutig for the girls to get up the stairs. I just looked behind me and viv gave me a smile but then it went nutral when she saw the little bit of blood go down my arm. I just turned back around and let her sort them out.

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