Chapter 9

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When we went back upstairs i took of my tshirt so that i was just in my sports bra how i normally sleep.

When beth got back into bed i shuffled right up to her and put my arms around her and she did the same to me. As i was falling asleep i could feel beth tracing my scar and it felt like pure relief. At last i could be myself around beth and i felt like me again. It also felt like such a nice thing also because it showed just how comfortable beth was around me which meant a lot.

' I love you '

Time skip to The next morning

I woke up first and i was just layed on beths chest. she still hadn't run away. 

After a while i felt beth move and kiss the top of my head.

'  Good morning Vivi'

'Morning beffy'

' We need to get up, we have training in 2 hours'

' Ok. Also do you wanna tell lotte about us, just so that she doesn't think that we are acting weird.'

Last night before we went back upstairs i asked beth to be my girlfriend and she said yes. So much has happened in the last few days but it will all be for the better in the long run.

When me and beth went downstairs and Lotte was already downstairs. We told Lotte about us and she just said that she was happy and that she had sort of expected that to happen.

The story of a scar. ( WOSO Meadema )Where stories live. Discover now