Chapter 16

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Beth's Pov

I'm the funny one, the one who cheers everybodys up when there down but that hasn't always been the way. 

I have ADHD but i wasn't diognosed until i was 22. I know that, that isn't that late but it did mean that i went 22 years without any help. Now i'm very lucky that i have my medication but it hasn't always been that easy.

Just after i had been diognosed i had a mental health struggle and was advised by my doctor advised me to go to the mental health hospital. I didn't want to go at first because i don't like to acsept help but i knew that i wouldn't get any better without.

So i went to the hospital and it was a weird experience, i had never acsepted the help that i needed before. The hospital was where i got my current medication which has made my life so much better. My medication now has helped me live my life as normal and so that my ADHD doesn't act up too much. 

My teamates know that i have had a mental health battle but they don't know how serious it is. They also don't know how my ADHD can affect me because since they have knoen me i have always had my tablets. 

I am very lucky that i have the parents that i have as they have always been very supportive. Even from when i was younger and we didn't know i had ADHD and they just thought that i was an energentic child they started me playing football which is now my hole life.

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