Chapter 10

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When i got to training that day i decided that i was going to be more open to the team. Beth was the person that i  was the most worried about telling but she was ok with it so i felt a bit better about telling the hole team.

For the first time since i had gotten to arsenal i  changed in the dressing room with everybody else. I knew that everybody could see my scar but for the first time i didn't care. I didn't want to hide myself from my friends.

When i had finished getting changed beth came up to me with a huge smile and hugged me.

' I'm proud of you vivi.'

' I didn't want to hide myself anymore.' 

And with that we went out to training. Not much happened in training and it was a good secsion. When we got back into the training room beth came over to me and sat by me. I put my head on her shoulder. 

' I love you beffy.' 

' I love you too vivi.'

Then all of the girls started to come through the doors to get changed.

' Do you want me to move viv?'

' No i'm ok. Remember not hiding.'

' I love you'

Katie noticed us and shouted ' How cute you two in the corner' Everybody turned and looked at us. Beth waited to make sure that everybody was looking before giving katie the middle finger. This caused everybody to laugh and get back to what they were doing.

Then beth got up to get changed but then i realised that i forgot to grab more clothes when we were in a ruch this morning. So i walked up to beth and asked her if she had a spare shirt which happily she did. 

When we were walking out of the dressing room i could hear katie behind us again and i thought that maybe after beths warning earlier she might leave us alone but evidently that was not the case.

' Nice shirt viv'

My shirt had beths number on and beth warning clearly hadn't been enough. Beth walked back to katie and jumped her. Then beth walked back to me and we left the training center for the day.

The story of a scar. ( WOSO Meadema )Where stories live. Discover now