Chapter 5

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I am going to tell beth about the hole story of  my scar. I have to.

Beth had gone back downstairs to get us both a drink and then was going back to her room to grab a couple of things.

I don't know how i feel about beth staying with me. Obviously i ' like ' her and want to be with  her but at the same time i am very nervous about her seeing my scar and then her not talking to me because of it.

The real reason that nobody has seen my scar is because is because when my youth team in the netherlands saw my scar they treated me compleatly differently because of it. All of the girls in my team were very into there looks and then because i didnt really care as much and then also because i wasn't perfect in my body they treated me differently.

I'm just scared that, that will happen again with Beth and Lotte because they are my best friends and my crush and i really don't want to lose them.

The thing is that my scar isn't the most beautiful or easiest to hide. It runs the hole way across from my shoulder round my back and onto my tummy. It is also very obvious when you see it. It doesn't just blend into my skin you can see it.

The story of a scar. ( WOSO Meadema )Where stories live. Discover now