Chapter 17

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Beth's POV

It was a couple days after viv's parents had shown up at the training stadium. Me and viv had continued to get closer. It was just the little things like her sitting closer to me when we were at training, on the bus or when we are sat at home.

Tonight it was team bonding house at Kimmy's and we had just had the last game of the season so it was also sort of a party.  There wasn't any compitions in the summer but there was a national team meet in a month so we didn't need to worry about drinking. 

I have already had to convince viv to come but in the end i convinced her. She said that she was worried because of the fact there there wouldn't be any other sober people there and because it was lots of people so i said that i wouldn't drink and i would stay with her.

We were just getting ready to leave so i went to check on viv.

' Hey vivi, you ok ? '

' Yep i'm ok. a bit nervous but i still need to do my hair and i have no time. ' 

' I can do your hair viv if you want to '

' Is that ok beffy '

Viv's POV

I just sat against the end on my bed while beth sat on the end of it and did my hair for me. She put the main part of it in a ponytail and then just curled my money peices.

' Thanks Beffy, also thanks for staying with me '

' Your welcome and just so you know i also don't like huge crowds of people, i know it may seem like it but i really don't '

With that Lotte shouted upstairs and we went down to go to kim's house. Beth drove in Lottes car as Lotte would be drinking and beths car was still at the traing ground as it had broken down there a couple of days ago.

Beth could obviously tell that i was getting more nervous as we were getting closer to kim's house ( she wasn't wrong ) so as we were just getting there she just rubbed my knee and smiled at me.

Her smile, just wow.

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