Chapter 7

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I just started crying and my breathing went all iregular. I got up from the bed and i was scared that i had woken beth up when i got up because she flinshed but she just turned over. I had run out of water so i decided to go downstairs to get a drink and watch some tv. 

When i got downstairs i lost it. Everything came to me at once and i just sat down in the middle of the kitchen. When i am alone i start to tell myself things which aren't true. I started to feel more and more worthless and that everything that happenend was my fault,

As i was just getting back my normal breathing pattern back i heard the stairs coming from upstairs start creeking. Then i saw a figure come towords me and as it got closer i saw that it was beth.

' Hey, You ok ? '

I just put my head between my hands and just went quiet. I felt a feel of warmth sit down beside me and beth put her arm around me. I just snuggled into her and could feel her kiss the top of my head. This was the safest that i had felt in years maybe even since that 24 hours 10 years ago. 

I just felt so safe in her arms that i didn't want to move. It takes alot for me to be comfortable with somebody one to be able to talk to them and two to be able to let them hug me and be in such close proimity with me.

The story of a scar. ( WOSO Meadema )Where stories live. Discover now