Chapter 19

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Viv's POV

Me and beth can't go home yet because we have lost lotte and if we go then she is stuck here, and all i wanted to to was go home right now and hope that the ground swallows me up. 

I can't believe that i have just admitted that i like beth in a room full of our teamates and other footballers. Where did i get all of this confidence because it came out at the wrong time. I am normally the shy one who doesn't admit anything to anyone and now i have dont that in a room full of people.

I mean the plus side it is a room full of drunk people so the chances are that most of them won't rememer it in the morning. The only thing is the one person that i know will deffinetly remember is beth, she is compleatly sober and the person i just admitted to liking, what was i thinking.

Beth has avoieded me sice that game and now i know that she doesn't feel the same. I mean maybe it was just nerves but then beth doesn't get nervous, she doesn't struggle like that or so i thought earlier. But then it makes me think was she leading me on but theen what was she leading me on from, were not together she has no reason to be and now i'm working myself up great.

I was alll in my thoughts when i saw a beth and a very drunk looking lotte walking towords me.

' Hey vivi, do you wanna go so that this one doesn't do something that they regret .'  Beth said in a tired tone.

' Yep that's proboly the best idea. '

Beth's POV

I had just shut Lotte's door after making sure that she actually made it to bed and wasn't asleep on the bathroom floor. ( You learn that one the hard way when you have an upset hungover lotte with back ache) I am never making that mistake again.

When i got back downstairs i saw that viv had gone up to her room which i am quite glad about. I can't stop thinking about our game earlier. What does she mean  that i'm the one that i am the one who she would like to date most. Did she just say it because i am her closest gay friend ( Lotte is straight ) or did she genuinly mean it.

Any ways i didn't have time to think about it me, viv, jen, katie, caitlin, jordan, leah and lia were going to ibiza in 3 days and i get a feeling that this might be a what happens in ibiza stays in ibiza moment.

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