Chapter 13

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It was the end of the next day and we had just had an open training  sesion where fans could come and watch. There was nobody else left in the stadium until i looked over towords the other barrier and saw my parents. They clearly hadn't got enough satifaction from yesterday.

' Why are the people over there staring at you. ' beth said as she sat down by me

' There my parents '

' Do you want me to get security to remove them '

' No, i'm going to go and let the team see who they really are. '

Beth's POV

Viv just kissed me and got up, a few of the team turned to me.

' What was that about beth,' Steffy asked ' and why is viv walking over to those people.'

'You'll see'

Back to viv's POV

' What do you want ?'

' We wanted to apolojize.'

' You think i'm going to acsept you apology after all of that. No you must be out of your mind, you are mad. '

' Also i see that your still up with your little gay joke.'

' It's not a  joke and what you just saw was me and my girlfriend who is the only person that i have ever actually believes loves me and that is not some sort of joke. '

I just walked off with a smirk on my face and then i heard my parents being escorted out and i have never been prouder of myself.

Beth's POV

' me and my girlfriend'

I just smiled while all of the team exsept Lotte looked at me. 

' Yes you heard her right ' 

I just said and then all of the girls clearly had some questions.

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