Not my morning

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I stood in bed a few minutes longer after my alarm went off. I was so not ready to see what today will bring. With it being Wednesday, I missed home. Every Wednesday we would all wake up early, have a delicious cooked breakfast, and chat. It's been awhile since we had one of those. I sighed loudly, feeling a bit homesick. What was I going to do two hours before classes even started?

Wait, why did my alarm go off?

Shit! I had detention!!

I jumped out of bed and ripped open my still packed bag. I took out a black tank and yesterday's black jeans. I grabbed my black converse and tried my best to tame my mane. Running out my door, I slid across the hall to the blue door that led outside.

I reached the opening to the cemetary but saw no one. Wasn't I supposed to meet them outside? I scanned the grounds but I couldn't see much with this fog. I spotted a large statue of some guy holding a sword and under it I could see a few black dots. Oh my god. I'm very late. I took off running again, tumbling over a fallen branch. Dusting myself off I ran the rest of the way passing lots of tombstones.

"If she's not here any second, I'm leaving," I heard a guy say.

"Too bad you don't have a choice," an authoritative voice said.

I burst through some bushes "I'm here!" I said panting.

A lady, wearing a deep purple knitted top and black slacks eyed me with her hands on her. Yesterday, because of the cafe incident, I never made it to Mrs. Z's class. And now I knew she knew who I was.

Behind her stood Arya, Cassie, and Jeremy. Leaning up against a statue was Connor and up against the big statue was Damon. He was wearing a black v-neck and his black boots looked like he just slipped them on this morning. His messy black hair stood up at odd angles which made me wonder what he might look like waking up. I felt my cheeks heat up at the thought and I looked away immediately.

"I'm sorry, no one told me exactly where to meet," I told Mrs. Z.

"Save it missy, you've wasted enough of my morning. Now, everyone knows the drill. Pair up and get to work!" She shouted.

Everyone started getting into groups and Arya made her way towards me but then a pair of blue eyes cut her off.

"Dibs, you're my partner," he said.

"Uh, excuse me! This is my slave. Go find another," said Arya bumping him with her hip.

"No, I want her," he said.

And then his eyes widen at what he just said. Arya began to laugh and I caught Damon staring daggers into Connors head.

"I mean, not like that,'re hot. But I just meant,"he stuttered rubbing his hand behind his neck making me laugh a little.

"Aww, poor Con Con is tongue tied," said Arya in a baby voice.

"Shut it, Red," he said, "I'll just caught you later." He told me than took off.

"You are harsh woman," I told her as we headed towards a statue of an angel.

"Oh, he's fine. I tease him alot. Alright, let's get to scrubbin."

"What?" I asked dumbfounded when she handed me a scrubber.

"We have to clean the statues. Just pretend your doing art," and with that she went behind the statues base and started scrubbing.

I decided to start at the top, so I climbed up onto the angel who was holding what looked like a spear. Sitting between the bent of his arm I began scrubbing the spear. After what felt like hours,which was only about twenty minutes, my arms were aching. This was messed up, especially since it was just some food I smashed into a girls chest. By now the sun was just coming up and the fog was slowly lifting. I shielded my eyes as I peered out over head. Not too far away I spotted Damon and Cassie.

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