"Quit stalling," Perry said after Damon and Jeremy left. "Let's get going," she tugged on my hand.
"Wait, go where?" I asked her.
My mind was still scrambling from my little talk with Damon and my heart was beating wildly at the sight of him walking away from me. The shape of his broad shoulders, the way he walked with ease almost as if he was floating instead of walking.
"Hello, earth to Athena," Perry said tapping me on the head with her pencil."To the library, like I said in my note."
I gave her a weird look.
"I'm taking it by the look on your face, you never got them. UGH! I handed them to Liam to give to Connor....." she trialed off. "And that's where I went wrong."
"Delayed delivery," Connor said coming up to us. He handed me two folded pieces of paper.
"What the hell? Did your mail truck pop a tire?" Perry huffed. "I gave these to you in the beginning of class. What took you so long?"
"Well, if you recall, I wasn't about to get caught by Mrs Z, especially after Athena got caught passing notes with Cassie."
"We were not note passing."
"Anyway, I was only looking out for you. Didn't want you to get in trouble," he said smirking.
"Well, thanks," I said grabbing the notes and stuffing them in my pocket.
"So, I was out the other day and this reminded me of you," he said opening his hand to reveal a beautiful sparkly butterfly.
Perry nudged me to the side to get a look. The butterfly was dangling from a silver chain. Colorful jewels were all over its wings. I looked up at him. Was he serious? All he did was smile at me and touched the charm.
"I thought, after that day...I wanted to get you something nice," he said, almost sounding a little embarrassed. "I liked it, it's unique."
Should I accept this? What would it mean if I did? It was very pretty.
"You went out? Of campus?" I found myself asking. "I thought we weren't allowed out of school."
"I have my ways," he said quietly. "Maybe I could show you, tonight?"
"Connor!" Mrs Z called his name from her desk.
"We need help breaking down," said another voice walking over. "By the way, I'm having a get together in my room later," Lucy said peeking her head over Connors shoulder and resting her chin on him.
Lucy, with her rosey lips which always looked sticky with lip gloss and her manicured fingers.I knew we were never going to be friends. I think I might take Connor up on his offer instead of going to her lame party. Only thing stopping me was that the other day rumor has it that the kissing couple got caught trying to leave and now they were in some sort of confined room. Also, Mrs Z didn't stop anyone from talking about it. I think she might have let the rumor go around to let people know the punishment for leaving.
I looked up at Connor, who smiled down at me. He held out his hand, "So, how bout it?" he asked sounding charming.
"No, we got other plans," butted in Perry.
Connor looked at her as if he didn't know notice her before. Perry grabbed my arm and took off dragging me with her. I waved at Connor, who looked stunned, still holding his gift. It was dark out, and the only sound was Perry's sandals smacking on the cement. It was windy, the trees moved like they were infested with creatures. An owl hoo'ed in a tree on our right, making me jump a little.

Forgotten Yours
FantastikWhat if everything you once thought about your life wasn't real? After being sent to a boarding school, Athena finds herself drawn to the mysterious grey eyed boy, Damon Price. There's something about him that draws her to him, however, it seems tha...