Spawn of Satan

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I had my schedule in hand and a notebook which had my nonsense doodling all over the front cover. Arya might be right about the classes. Everyone was doing their own thing and the teacher had yet to arrive. Several kids stood by the only window smoking and a few like myself sat quietly in their desks. Liam was in the desk two rows away from me carving something in the desk. Lucy was messing around with some other preppy punk girl.

I noticed Arya as she made her way toward me. Her black studded skirt bouncing as she skipped passed the desks. When she passed Connor, he stuck his black van foot out but Arya was too slick and spun out of the way. I wonder why these two hated eachother.

"Nice try dude," she said flicking his forehead.

"Just trying to compliment your new mop," Connor responded as he reached over and pulled a piece of her hair. "Must be some stylist you have."

"Thanks, you can tell her yourself, say hello to my new bestie," she said pointing to me.

His blue eyes sparkled as they noticed me and I tensed as he ran them over my figure.

"I believe I will," he said, then got up and came my way.

"Us new kids gotta stick together, ya know?" He said smiling at me.

"You're new?" I asked him remembering what Rhonda had said.

"For you, I can be," Connor said winking at me.

An easy smile spread across his face and I felt the heat rushing to my face. He kept staring at me with those blue eyes. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. As he stood straight, he handed it to me.

"This is my room number. Stop by sometime."

Then he walked back to his desk and Arya took a seat two desks behind me. The teacher finally walked in and all the other students hastily took their seats. The teacher began his lecture which was so boring I found myself staring out of space. All of a sudden I felt eyes on me. I peeked over my shoulder to my right and spotted Connor staring at me. I felt myself getting flustered. First Damon and now Connor. I felt like some boy crazed freak. I came here to get away from it. The last boy I was with didn't end up so well. I looked down at my wrist and traced the faint scar lines with the tip of my finger. I quickly pulled down my lace sleeve.

I couldn't let myself get lost in those memories. Not in the middle of class. Maybe I should start paying attention to the teacher who stood with his back to the crowd and wrote angrily on the board.

Something white flew by my nose and landed in the middle of my desk. Looking down I noticed a wad of paper. Glancing around the class to figure out who threw it, I spottted Arya looking at me raising her eyebrow signaling me to read it.

Goodluck watching the clock. We're in this hell hole for 2 hrs.

What? I pulled out my schedule and realized she was right. This was a block period. Shagging my shoulders I took out a pencil ready to scribble a response when another bigger wad landed infront of me. I snapped my head back at Arya glaring at her for not giving me a chance to even write.

Dude behind you is nosey. Careful. If you're not good at aim don't even try it.

Good to know. I didn't want anyone finding out anything me and Arya would talk about.

A loud wacking sound made me snap my head up to the front. The teacher , red faced, had slammed his ruler on the board.

"My name is Mr. Rush. First rule. No note passing, no cheating, and no whispering. What ever you have to say must be so important the whole class should be able to hear," he snapped eyeing me under his dark stare.

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