No Mercy

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Bright and early Friday morning, the loud speaker came to life out my room.

"Attention students!"

I rolled over in bed stuffing my head under my pillow and let out a loud groan.

"You have five minutes to report to the gym for your annual PT examination! Be prompt kids!" yelled Rhonda's annoyingly loud voice.

PT? Really? What was this bootcamp? and at six in the morning! I had already regretted staying up late lastnight but after what happened in the hall I tossed and turned all night. I had told Perry that I wasn't feeling too good and went back to my room. The idea of them kissing made me feel queasy. I had ran back to my room and threw myself on my bed trying to forgot about Damon. Today I woke up with a bad taste in my mouth. The last thing I wanted to do was anything physical.

I swung my feet off the bed and onto the freezing tile floor. After getting dressed, I brushed my teeth and tried to take deep breaths before I headed outside. Cassie doing push ups, Lucy running laps, Damon and Connor lifting weights. Thats what went through my mind for this PT. I'll probably make a fool of myself infront of everyone.

I made my way to the south campus where the church was. A large ugly dark statue stood infront of the doors. I spotted Perry waiting in the front.

"Perry!," I called out, watching her get up from tying her shoes.

"So beat," said Perry her eyes groggy with sleep," I partied too hard lastnight. Thought I'd get to sleep in this morning but damn that Rhonda!"

"Sorry for-" I started but was interrupted.

"Gah!! shhhhhh!" Perry yelled covering her eyes." Everything sounds like a bomb going off in my brain!"

Laughing silently, we made our way inside. Rhonda was in rubber clogs, holding her clipboard. She waved us forward, and one by one we were assigned to our stations.

"Liam, weights. Lucy, pool. Perry, pool," Rhonda read off reaching into a box beside her and tossed a bathing suit to Perry.

"Athena," she continued. Please say pool. "Also pool."

I high fived Perry but then I remembered who else was at the pool. I looked up at Lucy, she was wearing thin black spandex and a tight black tank. She'd been at this school the same time I far has she already gotten with Damon?

Walking to the pool, I tried to avoid her. I put my attention on the stone walls and the windows. I walked passed crosses with scriptures underneath them. My mind went off to wonder where all these came from.

"Not your typical decor is it?" Perry asked, tossing a few aspirins in her mouth.

"Nope, not at all," I said. "Just shows that it really was once a church."

"Yeah, like everything else in this hellhole, they did a half ass job updating it. I mean, who builds a gym inside a church?"

As we walked along a long hall, there were rows of statue heads. I'm guessing they were saints.

"You could hang all the alumni's selfies on there," Lucy said passing us.

I laughed alittle, it was kinda funny. But then I remembered hearing her voice the other night and like a switch. My smile was gone.

"Quit taking your sweet time!" yelled Rhonda.

We scrambled into another small room and got dressed quickly. I shuddered at my reflection in the dusty old mirror. I tried to cover as much of myself as I could with my towel. Then me and Perry hurried to the pool. It was giant, and there was multiple stained glass windows giving off a rainbow shimmer on the pools surface. I was in awe. There was a diving board at the end of one side and at each corner of the pool were torches. Some people were already in the water doing laps and others were sitting on the benches that looked out of place in here.

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