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I felt anger, fear, sorrow, so many emotions at once. Mr. Rush was standing in the middle of the room chanting in another language. Perry couldn't be dead. Mr. Rush wasn't evil. 

No matter how many times I tried to tell myself this, I knew it wouldn't help. I was shivering from my wet clothes but sticky with sweat. 

"Why?" I asked.

"Be a dear and lay down," he said ignoring my question.

"Tell me why!" I screamed at him.

"You think this is bad? You should see outside," he smirked. "Now lay down!" 

Because he still held the dagger, I did what I was told. He then grabbed a long rope and tied me to the four rings off the ground. I felt like I was a sacrifice. Mr. Rush began chanting yet again. 

"I had to take matters into my own hands. I can't believe they would entrust our whole existence on a bunch of love sick kids." he muttered to himself.  "There's only one way to end this awful cycle."

"I thought you were on the good side," I said.

"No darling, we want Damon on our side but he won't choose unless you're gone."

"None of this makes any sense."

"Your death is just he push he needs. You see, every beginning the angels split in two equal sides. It was going great until you were created and poor Damon fell in love with a human. Then all hell broke loose, those on the earth wouldn't be able to come out of the earth until the balance was even. Because of Damon's love for you we had to stay there until he chose. He never chooses though because he's so glued to you. We tried to kill you plenty of times but God is a funny guy and kept bringing you back." 

"What do I have to do with his decision?"

"If Damon had chosen a side then he could no longer have you. You'll live your human life and he'll be living in the world humans can't see. It's really simple.  Fourteen angels on each side. It's not about good and evil but about living down on earth instead of heaven. Fourteen angels stay up there with God and Fourteen stay down here like they want. We can't have any human interactions. Which is why Damon won't make his decision."

"What happens if there are more who want to stay up in heaven?" I asked trying to find an escape.

"Then us down here will be damned for eternity. Or wiped out. And I much rather live then not. Your little Damon had to ruin it all!" He shouted anger growing in his eyes. 

"But I'll be back." I said remembering how Damon said my other lives.

"Oh, not this time. You see, the other times you were able to because you were born into some type of religion. But this life time, you're not. Therefore, God can't bring you back."

I cried out in pain when I felt the dagger pierce my skin by my heart and then in shock when all the windows exploded.

"NO!" Mr. Rush shouted. 

Glass stabbed into my skin and sparks of gold, violet, and pinks were all around. My hands and feet were suddenly free. Damon. I knew he'd come. He flapped his wings and flecks of violet fell over me. The cuts closed and the blood was gone. He was standing there in all his glory. Shirtless, only a pair of white pants on. He was glowing violet and white. He reached for me and I took his hand. 

"You're so...beautiful," I all but whispered. 

I door slammed and I looked up. Mr. Rush had escaped. I turned back to Damon and he nodded and then a bolt of green light flew the way Mr. Rush took off in. 

"Perry's gone." I said.

"I know..." he said hugging me close. 

A gush of wind blew by and I looked up to see Lucy coming down. Her wings held a brown shimmer and her hair sparkled. 

"Someone, needs to get Mr. Rush.," she said. 

"Cassie's got it." 

"Cassie's an angel too?" I asked shocked. I didn't see that one coming.

"Athena, we all are. Some are on the other side."

"Like who?" I asked afraid to hear.

"Well, Connor, Jeremy, Cassie," he said.

"Jeremy?" I asked. How can he want to live down here?

"We have to leave," in came Arya. Reds around her white wings.

"We have to bury Perry first," I said.

Arya sighed and her and Lucy took off. Damon grabbed my hand and we walked out. It was still dark out. Arya and Lucy worked quickly and I walked over to where they laid Perry. Next to her mother. I bent down and said my goodbyes. My sobs tore out in the night sky. There was only rain by now and I had no idea what happened with Connor but I was too tired to ask.

"So what now? We leave school?"I asked. 

"Well, yeah. But I won't be going with you nor the others."

"Why?" I asked afraid to let him go again.

"It'll draw too much attention. We need to lay low."


By dawn, everything was quiet. Arya and Lucy had tried to make things look decent but how can you when there was just an angel fight? We walked over to Perry one last time. 

"I can't leave her, Damon," I cried.

"You won't. She's with you." 

"I can't-"

"You can. Believe me Athena. You're strong. You're the only strong person I know."

I hugged him tight and then sirens could be heard. A cold breeze made me shiver and then Damon broke out hug.

"Hurry," he said leading me down a path. We reached the lake he had took me to and there was Arya with boat. 

I turned back to him and didn't want to let go.

"Athena, we'll be together soon." he said.

"I don't want to leave you. I just found you."

"I know. trust me I know," he sighed wrapping his arms around me.

"Hurry up you two!" Arya yelled. 

Damon pulled me back and held my face in his hands. He crashed his lips to mine and again the world disappeared. After what was too short of a time, he let go.

"I promise, we'll be together again. I'll come to you."

"You better. I don't want to go through a whole other life again," I joked. 

He helped me inside the boat and then we were off. I watched his frame become smaller as we went further and further. I turned back to face Arya.

"So, when were you planning on telling me you and Price?" she joked.

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