A Hint Closer

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Thursday morning it was foggy and gray. It made me think even more of Damon's eyes. I looked out the small window from the classroom at the emotional sky. After seeing Damon last night my mind was again left in a jumble. We weren't allowed to go out today because they didn't trust us enough to not be able to see us in the fog. I sat in my desk growing tired and my back aching for sitting in here.

I stopped paying attention to Mr. Rush ten minutes into class and started doodling on my notebook. I drew little wings in the corner of the paper trying to clear my mind. Wings? Like that's clearing my mind. Oh what the hell. I started thinking about him and how he was so bipolar. One second he was nice, sweet, worried about me and actually spoke to me and the next he was cold, mean, and over all a dick.

I was tired of this game. All I wanted was to be with him and I didn't have a clue why. I just know that I can't stop thinking about him or the need to be near him. If I keep cracking every time he lets me in then pushes me away, I was going to feel more depressed. 

The bell finally rang and I hurried out of class. I didn't even bother to wait for Arya or Perry usually because I was afraid to be alone. But today I didn't want to see anyone. I just wanted to be alone. I needed a long walk. 

I walked passed everyone who went to their rooms or to the cafe. I put my hood up so no one will get the idea to stop me and try to chat. I walked down the few steps of the class building and looked back to see if no one was following me but instead I ran into someone.

Connor lost his footing and we fell down the last two steps. I landed face first in the mud and Connor was tangled around my legs. The pile of books he carried were scattered all over the ground. He had his ear buds in so he probably didn't see me either. 

"Are you alright?" he asked untangling himself.

"Yeah, I'm good," I said using the sleeve of my hoody to  wipe my face.

"Nice make-up," he smiled at me offering a hand.

 Laughing, I took his hand and got up. He brushed the tip of my nose and held up his finger to show mud. He still had one hand around my back from lifting me and our faces were close. I got a strange feeling like I wanted to be hugged and in his arms. 

"You've been on my mind," he admitted. 

I felt a water drop on my cheek and he used his thumb to wipe it. 

"Come, it might rain," he tugged on my hand and led me back up inside.

I looked over my shoulder at the darkened church. I so wanted to just take a walk. I was too confused with everything. I just wanted time to sort this out.

"I. . . I'm going for a walk," I told him.

"Well do you want to meet up in about. . " he said checking his watch. "Let's say an hour?"

"Sure," I smiled.

"Cool," he said beaming and shocking me even more by pulling me into a hug.

His cold lips met my forehead and I was instantly soothed. Then he let me go and walked off down the hall. I shook my head and decided to just go take a walk now and shower later. Heading back outside I walked toward the church. 

The gym was empty no a sign of life anywhere. I don't know why I always found myself wanting to be here. In the dim hallway, I passed old scrolls and statues. I went near the pool and then I remembered my dream. Damon had kissed me hungrily. I remember the feeling as if it were real. His lips against mine. In my dream, something wrapped itself around my body and I looked behind me to see those beautiful white wings. Then a strong searing pain formed inside my chest. I cried out in pain, it felt so real. Then Connor was there, he looked so torn at me and Damon. 

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