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                                   oh you fool                                you beautiful fool

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                                   oh you fool
                               you beautiful fool

"there seems to be a ...decline in improving his health your grace, we've tried every medication we could possibly find yet no progress" the maester told the queen solemnly as a sigh of disappointment left his lips, alicent kept still as she folded her lips at the news

she did not know how to feel about this, her husband was dying and there was no cure in the world that could save his illness. sure she cared for him but had alicent truly loved him after all she had endured? unfortunately no but for the sake of her children, she had to withhold the false love for her dear husband even if she had been miserable the entirety of her marriage

so alicent opted on a simple nod letting a tiny smile of appreciation slip on her lips "thank you for your services" she folded her hands before her, the maester bowed before he left the room

the queens eyes drifted to the sleeping figure of her sickly husband behind those white folds, she was hesitant to near him as the mere sight of his rotting face sickened alicent to the point where she'd send her maidens to attend to the king rather than herself sometimes

her brown eyes lifted from the ground as her legs moved to where the king laid, her hands tightened together as she pushed back a grimace as the smell of near death filled her nose "oh husband..." she muttered quietly observing his sleeping state

"what has become of you..." alicent took a seat beside him as her hand grasped his cold one, the ickly feeling nearly made her retract her hand but she hadn't "...what is to become of you" the words slipped out without a thought as she drifted off into a void of hollowness

the same emptiness she had felt the whole of her life as she still seeked for something to fill that hollow part ingrained in her chest "there is no cure, you're dying viserys" she said more sternly tuning back into reality as she stared down to the man letting out wheezed breathes "do you understand what is to happen once you die? do you know of the chaos that is to occur when your breathes are no longer?" the words of her father slipped into her head as she tightened her grip on his hand, her brown eyes hardened

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