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Catch me if you can

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Catch me if you can

Ever since the murder of ser criston cole at harrenhal done by the hands of zaenya targaryen, the whispers had been heard by the ears of aemond upon his return back to harrenhal and by the gods was the one eyed prince furious

so furious, he had taken out his rage on the innocents lingering harrenhal by dragon flame and restlessly awaited until the woman return here already knowing that she was seeking his presence and his blood, for he had murdered one of her own

but no one knew how zaenya would arrive, hidden as she did before? mayhaps because in aemonds little deluded thoughts he had made up his mind that she was to cowardly to face him without hidden in the shadows

and as days passed by, waiting in every hidden corner for a speck of zaenyas form—aemond found her no where to be seen

that was until he returned back on vhagar with his lover, alys rivers behind him only to find the guards roaming the castle all dead

more so castrated limp from limp

laid all over the grounds

with gritted teeth and eye flaring with rage, he looked to his lover "where could she be?" he asked since the woman had been known as a witch, he wanted her to forthsee the future and find out where zaenya might be

the dark haired woman sighed with a shook of her head "i could not say my princ–"

her words cut off as a gasp left her lips, eyes widened and face morphed into one of pain and shock—slowly the two looked down only to find an arrow had pierced itself in the womans chest, a perfect shot as it lodged right into her heart with the sharp end poking out her chest

"alys!" exclaimed the prince catching his fallen lover in his arms as shock still consumed his body at the sudden attack, alys choked on the blood filling her mouth as she grasped at aemonds tunic trying to speak but soon her eyes flattered shut and her breathing no longer

another had been killed joining the mass murder of the guards under aemonds command

slowly, alys slipped from aemonds arms and fell to the ground with a thump, blood drooling out her mouth and dripped into the dirt

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