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We should stop

"May he rest now"

alicent covered her face in a navy blue veil bowed her head ever so slightly before arising her gaze to look upon the now deceased body of her father laid on the casket for all to bare witness that filled the sept. the brunette allowed herself to let a singular tear fall as she never let her eyes tear away from his body

ashame it had been ...but it had to be done, alicent told herself constantly as no remorse seem to find itself within her body for it had been her word to get rid of him so she could be free from his hold and redo the mistakes she made

redo mistakes...

alicent slowly turned her eyes to where aegon stood, sour faced and most likely drunk as he would always be, the brunette must've been that stupid to believe her son could be more than what was shown, but she was wrong

very wrong

the end of the priest speaking brought alicent back to reality as she watched him walk off the podium to allow the family to see ottos body once more before he is taken away by the silent sisters

the brunette waited until she was the last one to round the casket nearing his body and looking down to him, pale and wrinkly was skin, blue was his lips making the woman nearly recoiled back in disgust at how lifeless he truly looked

upholding her act, alicent blinked rapidly letting tears fill her eyes as she leaned down resting her hand on his own folded ones laying on his stomach "...it had to come to this father ...you always told me to do what was good for the realm and this is me fulfilling that duty" she said in only a whisper so it was seen as sweet whispers said from the daughter to her father

straightening herself she walked off the podium standing beside the priest, the said man threw the woman a sadden look to which she gave a small appreciative smile before leaning closer to his side "if it is possible, a moment alone with my father would be most appreciated before he is taken away" she asked quietly

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