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Those eyes of two,
lilac and emerald
brought me a love story so beautiful,
so enchanting and so unforgettable

As the sun rises over the hill, casting a warm, golden glow over the landscape. the sky transforms into a kaleidoscope of colors, a gentle blend of pinks, oranges, and purples, a breathtaking sight to behold

kronos, the majestic creature lies slumbering peacefully, his chest rising and falling with each gentle breath, his powerful body relaxed and serene

in the foreground, zaenya and calla, now one year of age, sit on the soft lush grass, their eyes fixed on the horizon, taking in the wonder of the new day. calla with a mop of curly auburn hair that had streaks of silver within them and a curious gaze of her brown eyes, points towards the sky, their tiny finger extended, as if trying to touch the sun itself. zaenya, with a warm, loving smile, takes calla up in her arms before placing the girl onto her lap holding her close, as they take in the beauty of the sunrise together

the atmosphere is tranquil, with a sense of peace and contentment filling the air. the soft rustle of the grass and the sweet songs of birds create a soothing melody, a symphony of nature, as the sun continues its ascent, casting a golden light over the scene. the gentle breeze carries the sweet scent of blooming wildflowers, filling the air with a fragrant aroma, as the world awakens from its slumber

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